Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marietta Fair

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, October 25, 1826

Cattle Show and Exhibition of Manufactures, by the Washington County Agricultural Society.

The undersigned were appointed a committee to make public the proceedings of the Society on the 18th instant; a day which was propitious, in every respect, to the best wishes of the members of the Society.  The day was fine - the early morn was ushered in by the lowing of cattle, the neighing of horses and bleating of lambs.  Our citizen Farmers were numerous with us at an early hour, and we were honored with the company of gentlemen from the adjoining counties and from Virginia.

This being the first attempt at an exhibition of the kind in this county, and not knowing what calculations to make, hardly upon any one point, allowance will be made - we anticipate hereafter better things - nevertheless, the Society have great satisfaction in the exhibition generally, of what was offered for premium, and also for the generous display of articles not offered for premium.

At 10 o'clock, A.M. the Society met in the Court Room, and received a handsome accession in numbers - elected the officers for the ensuing year; at 11 the procession was formed under Capt. F. Devol, as marshal of the day, and with music preceding, marched to the Church fronting the common, where we had music, prayers, and an address by the President, Joseph Barker, Jr., Esq., which was cordially received.

More time having been taken up in examining the stock, &c. &c. than was anticipated, the company sat down to an excellent dinner at 3 P.M.  At 4, the Society repaired to the Court Room when the several committees, by their several chairman announced the names of the persons to whom the premiums had been awarded, & who were requested by the President to come forward to the Treasurer, sitting at the table, and take their cash.

The scene was truly interesting, and such as made a deep impression on the mind of every one present of the beneficial effect of a society of this kind, fostered by the citizens generally, and properly conducted in a country even as young as ours.

The season being remarkably dry, the products of the soil are light.

The Premiums were awarded as follows:

To Pascal P. Putnam, of Union, $10 for the best Merino Ram.
To John Stone, of Belpre, $1, for second best.
To Benjamin Dana, of Waterford, $5 for the best Merino Ewe.
To Henry Fearing, of Marietta, $1, for second best.
To P. P. Putnam, of Union, $10, for the best ten Merino Lambs.
To Benjamin Dana, of Waterford, $1 for second best.
To Levi Oden, of Waterford, $10 for destroying the greatest number of Wolves.
To John Handlin, the sum of $5, for having destroyed the next greatest number.
To Charles Tidd, of Grandview, the sum of $20 for his horse, Rockingham, the best stud kept in the county the past season.
To George Henderson $1 for second best.
To ____ McAttee, of Waterford, $10 for the best colt under three years of age.
To J. P. Mayberry, of Marietta, $10 for the best brood mare and sucking colt.
To Thomas Seely, of Waterford, $2 for the next best mare and colt.
To John P. Mayberry $1 for the second best colt under three years.
To Charles Fuller $10 for the best bull under four years.
To E. Battelle, of Newport, $1 second best.
To John Stone, of Belpre, $10 for the best cow.
To Wm. R. Putnam, of Marietta, $10 for the best yoke of working oxen.
To Ebenezer Gates of Marietta, $1 for second best.
To Joseph Barker, Jr. of Newport, $5 for the best calf.
To Samuel Brown, of Warren, $6 for the largest Hog, supposed to weigh about 600.
To George Dana, of Belpre, $1 for the second largest.
To John Stone, of Belpre, one Winan's Patent Ploughs, value $10, for the greatest crop of wheat.  See certificates following.
To Henry Fearing, of Marietta, one of winan's patent Ploughs, of the value of $10, for the greatest crop of corn.  See certificate.
To Stephen Dana, of Newport, $8 for the largest quantity of potatoes to the acre.  See certificates.

The committee on Sheep reported that the specimens of the various flocks exhibited great enterprise and attention; the sheep generally were excellent - they had no small difficulty in selecting for Premiums.

The committee on Butter and Cheese, reported the premium of $5 to Mrs. Smithson, for the best.
To Mrs. Middleswart $2 for the second best.
Mr. Manby's and Mr. Lake's were very good.
William Dana, of Newport, received the premium of $5 on the best cheese.
Samuel Beach, of Waterford, $2 for the second best.
O. R. Loring, Wm. P. Putnam, and M. Miles, all of Belpre, exhibited excellent cheese.
Mrs. Wm. P. Putnam sent a beautiful specimen of linen, for which a small premium was awarded.
Miss Harriet Brown, of Warren, sent also a small specimen of very handsome Linen, for which a small premium was awarded.
Handsome specimens of cotton and indigo were presented by John Morris (colored man) of this town, for which a small premium was awarded him.
Specimens of leather, in fine order, were exhibited by Messrs. Dodge & Crawford, and by Otis Wheeler, also by James Forguson.
A handsome specimen of hats were exhibited by Messrs. Curtis & Dunn.

Mrs. Col. Mills, Miss Eliza M'Farland, Mrs. Wilson, and Mrs. Bingham, sent in a handsome piece each, much praise was bestowed on the Ladies for the carpeting - another year more attention will be paid the Ladies for household manufactures.

Several specimens of yellow leaf tobacco, in excellent order were exhibited, by J. Barker, Jr., A. Chapman, and M. Flanders.

A. Warner, of Point Harmar, exhibited an ax, of cast-steel, which is recommended in high terms to the notice of our Farmers.

E. Emerson exhibited specimens of his razor-straps very highly finished - a superior article.

A. Cole, of Belpre, exhibited some excellent baskets, worthy the attention of our farmers, and for which a premium of $1 was awarded him.

There was also awarded to Marvil Starlin, $1 for having raised, on upland, the past season, 52 bushels of corn to the acre - each acre containing 2500 hills of corn.

At the close of the day several articles were sold at auction, at fair prices - Premium Butter at 20 cents per pound - Premium Cheese at 28 cents per pound.

Nahum Ward, Corresponding Secretary.
Wm. A. Whittlesey, Recording Secretary.

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