Sunday, June 20, 2010

Edmund Perry - Runaway Apprentice

Western Spectator, February 22, 1812

Went away from the subscriber on the seventh instant, an indented apprentice to the tanning and currying business, named Edmund Perry -- nineteen years old last December; of common stature, light eyes and hair. Had on, when he went away, a bluish coloured Surtout, a brownish coloured closebodied coat, cord vest and brownish overalls, and coarse shoes. Took away with him a striped cotton coat, a pair of cord and a pair of velvet pantaloons, a pair of boots and several other articles of clothing. All persons are hereby forbidden harboring, trusting, or hiring said apprentice under penalty of the laws. Whoever will take up said apprentice and return him to the subscriber shall receive one Dollar reward.
Amos Bartlett.
Marietta, Feb. 14, 1812.

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