Sunday, June 20, 2010

Town Ordinance

Marietta and Washington County Pilot, April 14, 1826

Town Council. An Ordinance to prevent sheep from running at large, on the Streets and Commons of Marietta, in the night-time.

Sec. 1st. Be it ordained, by the Mayor, Recorder and Trustees of the town of Marietta, in town Council assembled, that it shall not be lawful for sheep to run at large on the streets and Commons of the town aforesaid, between sunset in the Evening, and sunrise in the Morning, from the 10th day of April, to the 10th day of Oct. in each and every year, and if any owner or owners, holder or holders, of any sheep, shall suffer the same to run at large, against the provisions of this ordinance, he, she, or they, shall forfeit and pay to the said town of Marietta, any sum, not exceeding two dollars.

Sec. 2nd. All laws and parts of laws, ordinances and parts of ordinances passed to regulate the grazing of sheep on the streets and Commons of Marietta, previous to the first day of April, 1826, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 10, 1826. James M. Booth, Mayor. John Mills, Recorder.

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