Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celebration at Union - July 4, 1826

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, July 6, 1826

At a meeting of Ladies and Gentlemen, on the 4th inst. at the house of Jasper Stone, in Rainbow, Union township, to celebrate the anniversary of our national independence, the company being seated under a bowery, the Declaration of Independence was read.  After the cloth was removed the following toasts were given:

1.  Queen Isabella - The great patroness of enterprise.
2.  Thomas Jefferson - The author of the Declaration of Independence.
3.  George Washington - The great and good defender of Independence.
4.  May our nation ever be favored with wise and judicious rulers.
5.  May the blessings of civil and religious liberty pervade the world.
6.  The Ohio Canal - May it answer the most sanguine expectation of its friends.
7.  The next 50th year.  May it find our nation in possession of independence, and the same happy form of free government.
8.  The Fair Sex - May their bosoms never pillow the head of a traitor or a coward.

At 5 o'clock the company took tea.  The utmost harmony prevailed.  The exercises of the day were closed with appropriate vocal music.

One of the Company.
Union, July 5th, 1826.

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