Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July - 1826

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, June 29, 1826

Marietta, June 24th, 1826.

A meeting of the citizens of Marietta and its vicinity was held this day at the Old Court House, agreeably to previous notice, for the purpose of making arrangements to celebrate the approaching Anniversary of American Independence.

Capt. Billy Todd was appointed Chairman of the meeting, and Royal Prentiss Secretary.

On motion, it was voted that a committee, consisting of five persons, be appointed to make the necessary arrangements - and Samuel H. Gates, William B. Barnes, Genison Prentiss, Henry Fearing and Morris German, were accordingly appointed.

Resolved, That the above named committee be instructed to meet the committee appointed at a former meeting of the citizens, and make additional arrangements, if the same can be effected, or if not, that the said committee proceed to make separate arrangements, in the manner they may deem most expedient.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in both the papers printed in Marietta.

Billy Todd, Chairman.
Royal Prentiss, Secretary.

The committee appointed as above, met on Monday the 26th and on motion Samuel H. Gates was appointed Chairman, and William B. Barnes, Secretary.

After the committee were organized, they had a conference with the committee appointed on the 14th instant, but being unable to effect arrangements with them, mutually satisfactory, concluded to adopt a separate order of celebration for the day.

The day will be ushered in by ringing of the bell, and a discharge of cannon equal in number to the number of States of which the Union is composed.

The people to collect at the court house, at 11 o'clock A.M. and march in procession to the Methodist Meeting House, where the exercises will be performed as follows:
     1st. Prayer.
     2d.  Musick.
     3d.  Declaration of Independence.
     4th. Musick.
     5th. Prayer.
     6th. Musick.

After which the procession will return to the place whence they set out, and partake of a dinner, which will be prepared in the avenue of the New Court House; At which citizens generally are invited to attend.

Owing to the lateness of the hour the committee were unable to procure an Orator.

Those gentlemen who have not subscribed to the dinner, and wish to partake of it, will please leave their names with Mr. S. Cook at the Old Court House, by Saturday evening.

It is expected there will be a display of Fire-Works in the evening.

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