Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Streets Being Filled With Excess of Dirt

The Register-Leader, September 15, 1906

Third Street extension, which is being paved to the corporation line, is now closed to traffic, the contractors having found such a step necessary in order to carry out their work with any degree of satisfaction. They have, however, put in some extensive fills on Pennsylvania Avenue, and have opened an outlet to the lower end of that street in order to permit free traffic. A large amount of the dirt which it was found necessary to remove from Third and Front streets at the point where they are being paved has been hauled into the low ground of Riverview addition, where the streets were in need of extensive repairs and here it has been, and will be, used to an excellent advantage. 

Another big improvement to be made on the streets is the filling of Wooster and Washington streets, from the intersection of Seventh Street to Oak Grove Cemetery. This work is to be done with a portion of the dirt being removed from the streets where paving is in progress, and the remainder will be done with the excess dirt derived from the big sewer ditch which will be dug within the next few weeks.


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