Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fire - Baptist Church Burned

Marietta Intelligencer, March 28, 1855

Thursday Evening, Mar. 22, 1855 - The Church building belonging to the Baptist Society of this place was destroyed by fire this morning.  The pulpit, most of the seats, and some of the doors and windows were removed in a damaged condition.

The fire was discovered about eight o'clock on the roof, and in a few moments the entire roof was in a blaze.  The walls of the lower story of the building were of stone, and were of course, but little injured.  The loss is about $1,000.  There was no insurance.

By most diligent efforts the fire was prevented from extending to the frame buildings near - some of them not more than 20 feet distant.  We are requested by Mr. L. Brigham to express his hearty thanks to the people for their vigorous and continued exertions to save his property from destruction.  His buildings were in imminent danger, but by most resolute efforts, no serious injury was done to them.

Before this fire was extinguished, another alarm was given, occasioned by the discovery of fire on the roof of O. Franks' warehouse, near his foundry.  It was extinguished without difficulty.


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