Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Another Destructive Fire

The Marietta Intelligencer, June 30, 1859

Last night about twelve o'clock a fire broke out in Henry Gerken's store, on the island, and communicating to those adjoining, spread so rapidly that all the buildings on Front Street to the bridge below were burned to the ground.  The brick wall of H. Weber's Clothing store prevented the flames from extending farther up the street, which circumstance doubtless saved all the tenements on the island in that direction.  Fortunately there had been a shower yesterday afternoon, and the neighboring roofs were wet; had they been dry, it is possible that the fire might have been carried across the canal by the flying cinders.  There was some delay in getting the engines on the spot, but our citizens labored manfully to save what they could, as they always do on such occasions. 

We present a statement of individual losses, which is as nearly correct as could be obtained this morning, from the parties themselves.

Losses By Fire.

Styers & Brockmeier's building, occupied by Kahleyss, Brockmeier, and Peters, $2,800; covered by insurance, $1,800.

William Kahleyss, $2,000; covered by insurance, $2,000.

Mrs. Brockmeier, unknown.

George Peters, about $700; insurance, $200.

Van Bergen & Co., $2,500; insurance, $1,400.

H. Gerken, total loss of house, goods, books and papers, not less than, $3,000; no insurance.

P. Theis, $600; stock saved, no insurance.

Biszantz & Bro., $6,000; insurance, $2,000.

The following are the losses otherwise than by fire, goods damaged by water, &c:  

J. Fisher & Bro., $200; insured.
H. Weber, $150.
P. Haberling, $400.

The total loss is about $18,000, of which $8,000 is covered by insurance.

There was considerable petty pilfering going on during the fire.  We can think of no punishment too severe for these low rascals who take advantage of another's misfortune to rob him.  

We have heard of accidents happening to several  persons.  H. Gerken's family had so little time to escape that they were obliged to leap from a high window in scanty clothing to save themselves. 

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