Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Electric Street Lights for Marietta

The Marietta Times, July 4, 1889

The light did shine in this city Monday night.  The electricity was turned on for the first time shortly after eight o'clock and the sixty lamps sent forth a clear, white and steady light, which the people hailed with delight.

The event was celebrated by an impromptu demonstration, which was mainly gotten up by George L. Pillsbury and R. W. Rayley. The Young America Band was out and dispensed sweet music for the occasion. Pfeiffer had out his battery and fired a salute in honor of the event.  

Late in the evening General Rufus Dawes, A. D. Follett, E. R. Alderman and S. M. McMillen were invited to take seats in a carriage provided for them and follow the band to the City Park, where each was expected to speak. General Dawes was the first to speak to the large crowd assembled. He spoke of the past, present and future of our city. He was followed by Messrs. Follett, Alderman and McMillen. All spoke of the event of lighting the city by electricity as an important step in advance for our old and goodly city. The lights gave general satisfaction.

The Marietta Times, July 11, 1889:

On the night of July 4th, after having run for two nights with fair success, the electric lights refused to burn. Mr. Edgar, the gentleman in charge of the plant, says it was occasioned by several of the lamps being burned out by lightning. Be this as it may, one thing is certain, the plant, which is to be run thirty days on trial, will not be accepted or paid for by the city until it is completed in every particular according to contract. The wire must be both weather and water proof, the lamps of full 2,000 candle power and the dynamos must each sustain in good regular working order 35 lights of 2,000 candle power, and all other work connected with the plant must be first-class, as specified in the contract. Of this the public may rest assured.

The Marietta Times, July 18, 1889:

Mr. Rorison, General Manager of the Jenney Electric Light Company of Indianapolis was in the city on Monday. While here he agreed to make any changes the Council may deem necessary, in the electric light plant, to make it first-class. The wire will be changed, if thought advisable, although he claims the present wire is first-class, and that it cost two cents a pound more than the wire known as P. & B., which is in general use over the country. He says he can and will make the light satisfactory to all men who are not wedded to tallow candles, pine knots, and gas.

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