Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Seventh of April, 1858

The Marietta Intelligencer, April 8, 1858

The seventieth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers of the West was celebrated yesterday.  The day was favorable and the attendance larger than was anticipated.

Hon. Thomas Ewing delivered the anniversary oration in the Congregational Church to an overflowing house.  The platform was crowded with grey-headed "pioneers."  Among them was Mr. Amos Porter, the sole surviving member of the little band that landed here seventy years ago.  He is now in his ninetieth year.  He was introduced to the audience by Mr. A. T. Nye, the presiding officer, and the assemblage rose to do the old man honor.  The most interesting and affecting spectacle of the whole day was the cordial greetings of the Pioneers on the stage.  The old men grasped each other by the hands with hearty and vociferous congratulations, as some old comrade was recognized.

Mr. Ewing, the orator of the day, was introduced to the audience in a very neat and appropriate speech, by Hon. Joseph Barker.  Mr. Ewing's speech was an able and eloquent production, worthy of the distinguished reputation of its honored author.

In the afternoon a large company sat down to a sumptuous dinner at the National House.  Among the guests, we noticed Gen. Brown and Judge Brown of Athens; Gen. Goddard, L. G. Converse of Morgan County, the second born white child in Ohio; Mr. Bradford and Mr. Mayberry of Parkersburg; Judge Hayward, Robert Warth and Phillip Cubbage of Gallipolis; Judge Dickey of the Ross and Highland district; James Dickey, one of our oldest settlers, formerly of Amestown; Amos Dunham of Pomeroy; D. B. Linn, editor of the McConnelsville Enquirer; and C. A. M'Gaw of the Herald.

At the close of the dinner, the following toasts were read:
1. The day we celebrate, April 7th, 1788.
2. The Orator of the Day.
3. The Ordinance of 1787 - The charter of freedom framed by the wisdom and patriotism of the founders of the Republic, and under which states have grown great and illustrious.  Response by Hon. C. B. Goddard of Zanesville.
4. The Ohio Company - Formed for the purpose of securing lands and homes for the Pioneer settlers.  Response by Judge Hayward of McConnelsville.
5. Gen. Rufus Putnam and the noble men who landed with him, April 7, 1788. The state they founded will ever do them honor.  Responded to by Prof. E. B. Andrews of Marietta College.
6. The last of the Pioneers, Mr. Amos Porter.  In boyhood he heard the booming guns of Bunker Hill - in his venerable age he hears the voice of a mighty Empire where 70 years ago all was a wilderness.  Responded to by G. M. Woodbridge, Esq.
7. Virginia, whose patriotic counsels in 1784 gave up her claim to the N.W. Territory and made it the heritage of the whole country.
8. Education of the people by Common School and College - recognized by the founders of the Territory in the Ohio University and free schools in every township.
9. The Pioneer Clergy of the North West.  Response by Pres. Andrews of Marietta College.

The reunion at Odd Fellow's Hall was a rich treat to the old veterans.  Their eyes will never look upon the like again.  In the evening Hon. William Woodbridge of Michigan was expected to be present and deliver an address, but owing to sickness, he could not be with us.  He sent an exceedingly interesting address, portions of which were read by Mr. T. C. H. Smith. Letters from various distinguished persons were also read, which will be found in our columns today.

The old Pioneers who were present gave interesting and entertaining reminiscences of the days of "Auld Lang Syne."

A select choir, during the intervals between the speeches, etc., sang some of those rare old songs, with fine effect.

The Guyscooters had a magnificent torch light procession during the evening, led by the band.  The pyrotechnics of Mr. Wildt "went off" in fine style.

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