Wednesday, August 26, 2015

On the Day Before Her Death Came Word of a Fortune

The Daily Register, January 23, 1899

Parkersburg, West Virginia, January 20 - Mrs. J. P. Eddy died suddenly in Ritchie County, yesterday. The life of Mrs. Eddy was a very romantic one.

She was raised in luxury in Pennsylvania and was married to Eddy against the wishes of her parents. She accompanied her husband to a small cabin on a rented farm in Ritchie County. She adapted herself to the surroundings and the couple were supremely happy amid hardships. They were frugal and industrious and were soon able to purchase the farm, and additions were made until the farm became a large estate and the cabin gave way to a more comfortable home.

Later if was found that the Eddy farm was splendid oil territory, and riches poured in upon them, but happiness departed. Troubles ensued, engendered by jealousy, and both parties sued for divorce. Several weeks ago Mrs. Eddy went to Harrisville where depositions were taken in her case. On her way home she was taken with a chill, and the next day she was suffering with pneumonia.

During all these years she had not heard from her girlhood home in Pennsylvania, but on the day before her death, a letter bearing the postmark of her native town was handed her. It was from a prominent attorney, a friend of her youth. He wrote that her father and mother were both dead, and in the settlement of the vast estate, her share was $80,000. Her death occurred the next day.

[Phebe Stackpole Eddy, died 27 Dec 1898?]

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