Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Saw Mill

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, September 13, 1826

For sale, the Saw Mill, known by the name of Regnier's Mill, 20 miles from Marietta, on Duck Creek. This Saw Mill is allowed by competent judges to be the best in this part of the country, is in good repair, and situated in a thriving settlement. All kinds of lumber are ready sale at the Mill. As there is no other mill within ten miles, it would be an excellent stand for a Carding Machine, which, by a judicious calculation, might be propelled by water the year round with little exception.

There are also two farms for sale - one adjoining the said mill, containing 119 acres of excellent land, well watered and timbered, with 26 acres of improvement, two log cabins and one log barn. The other farm contains 86 acres of choice land, one mile from said mills, and is watered by a beautiful clear stream running through said lot, with excellent springs thereon and well timbered, with about nine acres of improvement, two log cabins, twenty-five choice apple trees, and a number of other kinds of fruit trees. 

Said property will be sold separate or together, to suit purchasers. One fourth of the purchase money will be required down, the remainder in two and three years. Horses and cattle will be received in part payment. For further information, enquire of

J. M. Chamberlain, living on the premises, or
Julius Regnier, Gallipolis 


1 comment:

  1. My great, great grandfather owned a mill at Duck Creek and I was wondering if this would have been it. I have a picture of it labeled, "Robinson's Mill." My paperwork says that the land was sold to Henry Launder in 1857 (lot #1004), by Ebenezer Robinson. Can anyone confirm this?
