Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Timely Notice to All

Marietta Intelligencer, March 23, 1853

Sayre's Floating Daguerreotype Boat will remain but a short time longer at Marietta. All those wishing to secure one of those perfect likenesses which are so desirable, would do well to call soon, as they may perhaps never have a better opportunity of procuring so desirable a miniature as those procured at the FLOATING ARTIST.

Gentle hints, friendly reader. If you have a mutual friend in whose welfare you feel an interest, and your feelings are reciprocated, that friend will value as a precious memorial your Daguerreotype miniature, if executed in Sayre's superior style at the Floating Artist. If you are still blessed with parents, and no artist's pencil has truly traced the liniments of his or her familiar face or form, you may well set the part of wisdom to advise or persuade them to visit without delay Sayre's Daguerreotype boat and have their likeness taken in his superior style of art. Reflect for a moment how many have lost a Father, a Mother, Sister, Brother or an innocent prattling child, and have not even a shadow of a resemblance to look upon. After the separation, some little toy or a trifling article is often kept for years, and cherished as a token of remembrance. How much more would be one of Sayre's perfect Daguerreotype miniatures of the loved and lost. Reader, perhaps you cannot do a better thing while your mind is upon the subject, than take an hour or two now, and visit the floating Artist. Then you may, at some future period, have reason to feel grateful for these gentle hints from

J. S. Sayre, Daguerreotypist,
Floating Artist
Marietta, March 1, 1853


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