Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Armory Site Is Offered State

Marietta Daily Times, December 8, 1909

Council Adopts Resolution Setting Aside Section of Ice Harbor Lot

A tract of land extending south 185 feet from the federal property to a point near the road leading to the Phoenix mill, and running back to the Muskingum river, will be given to the State of Ohio as a site for a National Guard armory. A resolution giving, granting and releasing to the state this property for the purpose set forth was adopted by the City Council at an adjourned session Tuesday evening. As it is said the Ministerial Trustees will give their consent to the transfer, the matter is apparently settled.

According to the best information obtainable, the State Armory board will have plans prepared and will let contracts for a $25,000 armory here as soon as possible after its funds are made available by the legislature at its coming session. It is presumed that the site offered will be accepted as suitable, inasmuch as Adjutant General Weybrecht viewed recently and thought it an ideal spot for such a purpose.

All members of Council except Dr. Donaldson were present at the session. Councilman Baker reported for the Finance committee that Colonel Knox had expressed himself as satisfied to recommend to the state board a tract fronting 185 feet on Front street, instead of 205 feet that had originally been asked for. He recommended the adoption of a resolution offering the smaller tract.

The resolution was passed to its second and third readings by title only and adopted by unanimous vote of the six members present.


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