Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Babcock's Fire Engine

Marietta Intelligencer, December 9, 1841

Mr. Joseph B. Babcock is the inventor and patentee of a fire Engine, three different sizes of which he has exhibited in this place. It is well adapted for the use of private dwellings and small towns, as well as large cities, as it is much more easily worked than the old fashioned engines, and requires less attention to keep it in order.

We saw a small one in operation at the Court House a short time since, which worked by only two persons, threw water over the chimneys of that building. This Engine occupied about the space of an ordinary travelling trunk. The largest of the three heretofore built by Mr. Babcock when placed in the middle of the street threw a hogshead of water per minute ten feet above the cupola of the exchange in Harmar - a three story building with a high basement.

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