Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Fourth of July

The Marietta Register, July 12, 1866

The morning, in Marietta, was ushered in with the firing of cannon, the ringing of bells, and martial music. At 7 o'clock, there was rain, but it soon cleared up so that the day was pleasant. The number of people in town was very large. At 10-1/2 o'clock, the procession was formed on Front Street, at the foot of Scammel, under the direction of Col. R. R. Dawes, Marshal of the Day, assisted by Col. Van Bukey and Maj. Palmer. 

The Martial Band, under command of Maj. George Payne, and the Athens Cornet Band, made the music and did it well. Flags of the 36th, 77th and 92nd regiments, of Buell's Pierpoint Battery, of Co. B. 4th West Va. Cavalry - "Paxton Guards" - and perhaps some others, all war-worn, were in the procession, proudly borne by men who had fought under them. There was one flag of the "stars and bars," captured from the rebels at Fort Donelson, and now owned by Charles Bowen of Waterford. Sergeant Shumon, who lost one arm in the service, led the soldiers, comparatively few of whom could be induced to go into the procession, very large numbers of veterans being in town, but not now disposed to "play soldier."

The procession marched to the Quadranaou above Warren Street, sometimes called "Camp Tupper." Rev. I. N. Carman opened the exercises with prayer. Gen. B. D. Fearing, President of the Day, made appropriate remarks. Col. S. H. Stafford read the Declaration of Independence. Gen. T. F. Wildes of Athens made a first-class address, which was exceedingly well received. Gen. C. H. Grosvenor of Athens spoke. Capt. S. S. Knowles made an appeal in behalf of the Washington County Soldiers' Monument. Gen. T. C. H. Smith made a few remarks. Refreshments and music, and a social time, completed the exercises. The Glee Club won general admiration. The leading singer, J. A. Freeborn of Harmar, has a powerful out-of-door voice, clear as a bell, and he is a most capital singer.

At night there were fire works on the Common under the supervision of I. E. Thurber. The display of some of the principal pieces was injured by a shower, just at the hour of beginning, but as a whole it was very fine.


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