Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Gilbert Boomer

Marietta Intelligencer, July 4, 1844

Gilbert Boomer, of this place, died suddenly in the jail at 12 o'clock yesterday (Tuesday). For some weeks past he had been constantly intoxicated, having drank from two to three quarts of whiskey per day. On Friday night last he broke open the ice house of J. E. Hall and took therefrom four kegs of powder, for the supposed purpose of blowing up the warehouse of Mr. Hall.  He was discovered in the act, the next day arrested, and after an examination before Justices Protsman and Allen, required to give bail for his appearance at Court - for want of which he was committed to prison. That terrible disease of the drunkard - the delirium tremens - soon attacked him. On Monday, he fancied himself tormented by witches. Monday night and Tuesday morning devils were in pursuit of him. His ravings continued until nearly noon, when he was quiet for a few moments, and upon entering his room to ascertain if he was sleeping, he was found, lying upon the floor, dead.

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