Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fourth of July, 1859

The Marietta Intelligencer, June 30, 1859

"In Union there is Strength."

The American and German citizens will meet on the Fourth of July, 1859, to celebrate the 8erd anniversary of our National Independence.  The order of exercises will be as follows:

A Salute of 13 Guns will be fired at daybreak.

The procession will form at the Court House and will start, under the charge of Jacob King, Chief Marshall, assisted by Lewis Smith and John Theis, Jr., at 8 o'clock A.M., accompanied by two Brass Bands, and proceed down Putnam Street to Front, down Front to Ohio, up Ohio to Second, up Second to Greene, up Greene to Fourth, up Fourth to Scammel, up Scammel to Fifth, up Fifth to Washington, up Washington to Nye's Grove.

Order of Procession:

A four-horse conveyance carrying thirteen girls, representing the old Thirteen States.

Town Council.





Order of Exercises at the Grove:

An address in German by the Goddess of Liberty.

Reading of Declaration of Independence in German, by William Lorey.


An address in English, by the Goddess of Liberty.

Reading of the Declaration in English, by J. F. Huntington.


Oration in English, by M. D. Follet.


Dinner - 12 o'clock P.M.

Toasts and Responses.

Footraces by youths under fourteen years of age. Four prizes: 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $1.50; 3rd, $1.00; 4th, .50.  All youths of fourteen years and under are invited to contend for the prizes.

The whole will be interspersed with songs by the Glee Club, Harmonie and Germania. 

All citizens, native and adopted, are invited to join in this celebration, without distinction of sects or creeds - the birth of our free Republic should be celebrated by all, without distinction, in National love, and it is to a national celebration of this great anniversary that we cordially invite one and all.

By order of Com. of Arra'gt.
Jacob King, Chairman.
G. C. Best, Sec'y.

*  *  *

Fourth of July

The eighty-third anniversary of our National Independence is to be well celebrated by the people of this county and city. The day will be ushered in by the ringing of bells, firing of cannon, display of flags, and martial music. It is expected that the stores and places of business will be closed throughout the day.

At eight o'clock all the day schools and Sabbath Schools will assemble at the Universalist Church and vicinity and listen to an address from Judge Ewart and others. At the same hour the Sons of Temperance of Marietta and Harmar, with their families and friends, will assemble at the Odd Fellow's Hall (over Franks' Foundry) and be addressed by C. F. Buell and George M. Woodbridge. The Odd Fellow's Hall on this occasion will be open to all.

The Defiance Fire Company will be on the ground with their Engine, commanded by Captain Dutton and associates. Also, a band of martial music, under the direction of Captain Corey. 

At nine o'clock a procession will be formed in front of Franks' building, under the command of Captain Snider, marshal of the day, in which the public schools, fire companies, Sons of Temperance, and citizens of Marietta, Harmar, and Washington County generally are requested to join, making the day A National Jubilee!

The procession, with flags, banners and martial music, will proceed up Front Street to Scammel. Seats will be prepared in the shady and beautiful grove on the commons in front of the residence of Weston Thomas.

After the reading of the Declaration of Independence by T. C. H. Smith and a welcome given to the Fire Company and others in a few words, by a speaker to be selected by them, and music by the band, the assembly will be addressed by Hon. Simeon Nash and Hon. Henry Dawes.  After which, refreshments will be distributed to the audience.  It is particularly requested that all who wish to participate in the festivities of this occasion, bring refreshments early in the morning to the stand on the commons, where a committee will be in waiting to receive them.

Let every body come without distinction of party.

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