Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Amusement Park Will Be Opened

The Register-Leader, May 9, 1908

Messrs. Schlicher & Weber of this city have leased Fern Cliff Park for the season.

A long felt want is to be supplied. Marietta is to have an amusement park at the present terminus of the Muskingum branch of the Parkersburg, Marietta and Inter-Urban Company's line, that will surpass anything of the kind in Southeastern Ohio, and one that will rank among the best of the state.  Fern Cliff is to be converted into an up-to-date resort, where the people of this city can while away the summer days as they have not been permitted to do heretofore.

An agreement has been reached between the Parkersburg, Marietta and Inter-Urban Company and Messrs. Carl P. Schlicher and Theodore C. Weber, by which the two latter men take over and assume the privilege of using that property in Muskingum Township known as Fern Cliff Park for furnishing and maintaining such attractions and amusements as are usually found in parks of such a nature.

The contract was today signed by all parties concerned and Messrs. Schlicher and Weber will immediately begin making arrangements for extensive improvements which they contemplate making this month.

Mr. Schlicher stated today that the park will be opened to the public under the new management, no later than May 25th, and the formal opening will be in the nature of a basket picnic.

The park could not be in better hands than the ones who have taken it upon themselves to operate for the people of this city as a source of summer amusement. Both are experienced in the amusement line and are ever ready to afford whatever service they can in giving the people of this city a means of thoroughly enjoying themselves.

A more desirable place for such a park could not be found in this vicinity than the site chosen, several years ago, by the Parkersburg, Marietta and Inter-Urban Company. There is plenty of shade at the park and the ride to it is one of the most beautiful to be found along the Ohio and Muskingum rivers. It is about a twenty-five minute ride to the park and the accommodations, which are at the present time very good, will be bettered. The dancing pavilion will be reserved by the street parties. On Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings the park management will conduct dances, music for which will be furnished by the Marietta Orchestra.

The managers will cater to the best classes and will have charge of the renting of the dancing pavilion for the street car company. Admittance to the park will be free, but compensation will be charged for the various amusements, including merry-go-round, ocean wave moving picture shows, shoot-the-chutes, vaudeville shows and many other amusements for which the management will contract in the very near future.

The park will be lighted by the street car company, and Messrs. Schlicher and Weber will hire a caretaker, who will be at the park from 9 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. Special effort will be made to keep the park clear of rubbish and the best of order will be maintained. In case of drunkenness or disturbance the offender will be immediately prosecuted.

Fern Cliff Park will be the popular resort for Mariettans during the coming summer, and there will hardly be a pretty day that some private party will not be picknicking there.

The management is negotiating with the owners for a reduced rate to the park.

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