Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lost Husband

American Friend, November 12, 1819

Hamilton Lapham (if living) is hereby notified that Polly, his wife, is now in the town of Marietta, at the house of Joseph Morris, where she has resided since the 15th of December, 1818, during which time she has not had any communication from, nor tidings of her husband. From the last accounts had, he was on the Miami, in the township of Greenville and county of Darke. If he is dead or removed from that place, any person giving information thereof, by addressing a letter to Polly Lapham, Marietta, O., will confer a lasting obligation on his disconsolate wife and four small children.

Polly Lapham.
Marietta, Nov. 9th 1819.

Editors of papers throughout the State of Ohio are requested to give the above a gratuitous insertion and much oblige.


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