Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Dr. Evans, No Cure No Pay

Western Spectator, September 12, 1812

Doctor Evans respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Marietta and its vicinity, he has recommenced the practice of Physick and Surgery in Ohio Street next door to Mr. Woodbridge's Store, where he hopes by the strictest and most humane attention to merit the patronage of those who are pleased to send for him; his prices shall be regulated by the other Physicians of Marietta, and he is willing to receive two thirds of his pay in farming stock and produce.

Dr. E. is enabled from upwards of twenty years extensive Practice (in various Climates, large Hospitals, the English Navy, the Army, &c.) effectually to cure all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, viz. Cancers, the most inveterate Ulcers, Evil, Scurvy, Eruptions of the skin &c. - also Bilious Diseases & obstructions, Fevers, Rheutmatism, Fistulas, Piles, Worms, Bowel complaints, and the diseases of Women and Children.

Dr. E. has been in the habit of performing the various operations in Surgery for many years, and is well provided with the best and most approved Instruments for that purpose.

N.B. Has for sale an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Patent medicines, Furniture &c. which he will dispose of wholesale, or retail, upon the lowest terms (for cash, farming stock or produce).

Doctor Evans wishes to take a Medical Pupil.

Those afflicted with Cancers should apply early, as they are often rendered incurable by bad treatment or delay.

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