Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Fourth Will Be Observed

Marietta Daily Times, July 3, 1918

The nation's second "War-Fourth" will be celebrated in a fitting manner in Washington County, but instead of the usual "fire works," the day will be quietly spent. Many community celebrations are being planned and at nearly every one some war fund will be the chief object of interest.

The picnic and dance at the Country Club, which will through the generosity of the board of managers be thrown open to the public, is sure to be a popular event. Admission will be free and only a nominal charge made for the dancing which will be held in the evening.

Racing will be the order of the day at the Fair Grounds where some really notable talent is on the card. The racing will start at one o'clock and Dr. Gale of Newport will act as starter.

Beautiful Fern Cliff park will be open all day for picnickers and other features will abound.

Over in Williamstown arrangements have been made for the proper observance of the day. A basket picnic on the High School grounds, with a patriotic speech by Hon. Harry Hiteshew of Parkersburg and an auction for the benefit of the Red Cross, are only a few of the things arranged by the committee in charge.

On the Stowe farm up the Muskingum, the Elks are going to hold a picnic outing which promises to prove of unusual enjoyment to the members of the local organization.

Under the auspices of the Barlow Township War Board a flag raising and auction for the benefit of the Red Cross, with an all day picnic, are a few of the many attractions arranged for the pleasure of the people of that community.

At Eight Mile, patriotic addresses, athletic games and a ball game, with an all day picnic, will enable the people of that neighborhood to pass a pleasant and enjoyable day.

Last but by no means least in importance comes the banquet which the Safe-Cabinet company will tender the members of its selling organization at the Hotel Lafayette Thursday night. No details as to the entertainment of the men are being given out, but as is customary with Safe-Cabinet functions there is sure to be nothing lacking for the amusement of the visitors. Special music and other features will be offered for the pleasure of the sales club.


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