Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Death of Aunt Fanny

Marietta Intelligencer, April 6, 1853

Died of paralysis on the morning of the 18th Instant [March 18], in Adams Township, at the residence of Mr. P. B. Buell, Aunt Fanny, in the 92nd year of her age.

The deceased was a native of Virginia, in which state she lived about sixty years in slavery. She was a woman of unusually strong and vigorous mind, every faculty of which she retained to the day of her death.

Her cheerful and affectionate disposition, and her long residence with the family in which she died, had endeared her to all. She has lived and done good, while three successive generations have passed away. May her future be as happy as her past has been free from blame.

[Note: The 1850 Census of Adams Township, Washington County, Ohio, lists a blind, black female named Fanny Fitzhugh living in the household of Peres and Elizabeth Buell. She was born in Virginia, and her age appears to be 87 or 57.] 

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