Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Mary Ransom Stone

American Friend, July 12, 1822

State of Ohio, 
Washington County, ss.

Clerk's Office Supreme Court, Marietta
July 6th, 1822

Whereas Mary Stone, of Marietta, in said county, hath this day filed in this Office, her petition to the Judges of the said Supreme Court, next to be holden within and for said county. Wherein she represents that on the 25th day of February, A.D. 1798, the said petitioner (then Mary Ransom) was lawfully married to Derick Stone, then of Sandgate, county of Bennington and state of Vermont. That she has been abused and neglected by her said husband - who in the month of June, 1818, ordered and obliged her to quit the house wherein they then resided.  And that, ever since that time, the said Derick has wholly neglected and absented himself from said petitioner, nor has he in any way contributed to her support and maintenance. And praying for the causes aforesaid, that the bands of matrimony between said Mary and Derick Stone may be dissolved, &c.

Notice is, therefore, hereby given to the said Derick Stone, that he be and appear before the Judges of our said Supreme Court at the Court house in Marietta, in said county, on the seventeenth day of October next, being the first day of the next term of said Court, within, and for said county, to answer the allegations of said petition, and shew cause if any he have, why the prayer thereof should not be granted.

Geo. Dunlevy, Clerk.
Reuben Merriam Atty. for Petitioner.

[Note: "1798 Feb. 25  Derick Stone and Polly Ransom," as published in "Sandgate, Vermont, Marriages (A list of persons married by James Murdock)," Genealogy: A Journal of American Ancestry, ed. by William Montgomery Clemens, Vol. X, No. 5, October 1921, p. 39]


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