Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Barry Home Model for Decorators

The Marietta Daily Times, December 15, 1929

A model home selected by The Times to furnish an example of what can be accomplished in outdoor Christmas decorating and lighting has been decorated with the cooperation of the Monongahela West Penn Public Service Company. It is the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Barry, 322 Fourth Street. It was selected because of its beauty of line and its adaptability to this kind of display and because of its central and convenient location. It presents a beautiful sight and it should be seen by everybody, both persons who intend to enter their homes in the outdoor decorating contest and those who do not.

It is understood, of course, that the Barry home is only a model and, beautiful as it is, it will not be in the contest. It will serve as an inspiration to persons who intend to decorate and light their homes on the outside.

In decorating the Barry residence the Monongahela company had the assistance of an engineer of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company at Pittsburgh. He also helped the company decorate and light its own properties in Marietta, and they now present a gorgeous addition to the out-of-door illumination of the city. They are well worth seeing as examples of decorating and brilliant lighting.


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