Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Miles of Spruce Fronds Making City Attractive for Holidays

The Marietta Daily Times, December 5, 1929

Christmas greenery by the mile has arrived in Marietta to kindle the holiday spirit and the streets of the business district are being gaily festooned and decorated with it. It arrived on Thursday and a committee of Chamber of Commerce members at once began putting it in place.

From the mountain forests of the state of Washington this supply of spruce fronds, woven into an endless chain, came and nearly three miles of it arrived in the initial shipment. It has been adopted in place of the pine trees that have been used in past years. Those in charge believe that it is more beautiful as a decoration and it does not represent this destruction that accompanies the cutting down of hundreds of young pines to line the streets.

The spruce chains are being suspended from the ornamental lighting standards along Greene, Front, Second, Putnam and part of Third Street, and at each pedestal point there is a loop of greenery with a large poinsettia as the center.

Walter Wood's committee is in charge of decorating the streets and they expected to finish before the day ended. Helping in this work are Harry E. Schramm, Alonzo Barnes, B. F. Reiter, Clarence Gruber and H. W. Rose.

Merchants and property owners along the way are being asked to extend their lighting fixtures to "hook up" with the festooning, and the whole is expected to make the streets attractive and gay for the yuletide season.

Putnam Street lined with small pine trees as Christmas decorations prior to 1929.

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