Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Concrete at Boat Landing Being Poured

The Marietta Daily Times, December 22, 1938

Pouring of concrete in the lower platform of the boat landing project being done in Muskingum Park by the Federal Northwest Territory Commission is expected to be completed on Friday and have a chance to set while WPA workers employed on the job are off for the Christmas holiday.

With this lower part of the landing project finished, the worry over a possible rise in water level will be abated, E. M. Hawes, commission director, says, and construction of the upper part will proceed unhindered.

Construction of the esplanade at the corner of Virginia Street and Gilman Avenue is reported to be progressing satisfactorily. The wings are now being worked on. A 10-inch curb has been placed in front of the structure, which is to provide the setting for the bronze tablet recently sent here as a gift from the government of France. The large section of sandstone on which the tablet will be mounted has been cut at the Holmes Quarry in Dunham Township. The stone stands nearly seven feet high and has a sloping plane surface on which the tablet will be mounted.

Friday marks the end of the current pay period of the 40 WPA workers employed on these two projects of the commission. They will resume work on Wednesday, December 28.


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