Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Address to Men of Patriotism, Courage & Enterprize!

Western Spectator, August 1, 1812

Every able bodied man, from the age of 18 to 45 years, who shall be enlisted for the army of the United States for the term of five years will be paid a bounty of sixteen dollars, and five dollars per month; and whenever he shall have served the term for which he enlisted, and obtained an honorable discharge stating that he had faithfully performed his duty, whilst in service, he shall be allowed and paid, in addition to the aforesaid bounty, three months pay, and one hundred & sixty acres of land - and in case he should be killed in action, or die in the service, his heirs and representatives will be entitled to the said three months pay, and one hundred and sixty acres of land, to be designated, surveyed and laid off at the public expense.

To those who prefer enlisting for 18 months, the same pay and bounty will be allowed, except the lands.

Apply to T. E. Danielson, 2d Lieut. U.S. Army
Recruiting Rendezvous, Marietta, July 22, 1812.

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