Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Turned On!

Marietta Register (Tri-Weekly), August 21, 1890

Marietta a Gas Town and No Mistake!

The gas, which has been to the margin of town for several days, pending some preliminaries, was turned on all the mains last evening by the fair hand of Miss Mattie Creighbaum, under the supervision of Mr. Crawford, by whose untiring energy the laying of the pipe has been so soon and so well accomplished.

The first to utilize it were the soldiers in camp, who are doing their cooking by gas, and whose camp is also lighted with it.

The Register would congratulate the gentlemen having the enterprise in hand. It has moved on quietly and unobtrusively to the end, and we are ready for the service so long desired.
It has not yet been largely provided for. this will require time. But the convenience, cleanliness and comfort of gas for fuel are considerations once enjoyed, that no one will forego for a small consideration.


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