Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Circus and Western Gymnastic Arena Company

Marietta Gazette, May 15, 1841

Under the Immediate Direction of the Proprietors
Messrs. Rogers, Shay, Matteer & Jackson.

The Managers of this establishment in offering their unsurpassable list of Performances for the public patronage, assure those ladies and gentlemen who may honor them with their presence, that the strictest scrutiny is paid to the nature and character of the scenes selected for their amusement, and on no occasion whatever will ribaldry be used by the Clowns or Singers, nor shall any immodest act be exhibited by any member of the company that can offend the most delicate or sensitive ear; but everything shall be morally entertaining that heads of families may introduce their wives and children to witness those manly and agile feats by the various performers and the magnanimity and docility of the horse.

The scenes in the circle will combine Horsemanship, Vaulting, Tumbling, Air-diving, Pyramidical Devises, or animated Architecture, Juggling, Dancing, Singing, Posturing, Antipodean exercises, Grand Cavalry Manoevres, Balancing, Banjo Playing, &c. in all their various branches, and with all the effect a splendid wardrobe, appropriate Music, Proprietors, etc., can give.

The horses, for beauty and docility, are not surpassed by any in America.

The arena will be fitted up with every convenience and comfort; in the boxes, seats will be securely erected.

A good band of music, during the performance, will execute a variety of pieces of Musical Composition, selected from the greatest composers of Europe and America.

Will be exhibited at Harmar on Thursday, May 27th, 1841, for one day only.

Prices of Admission:  Boxes, 50 cents; Pit, 25 cents; Children admitted to the boxes at half price.

Doors open at 1 o'clock. Performance to commence at 2 o'clock, also at 7 in the evening.

The above circus will be exhibited at Beverly on Tuesday, May 25th, and at Captain Davis' near Lowell on Wednesday the 26th May. Open at one o'clock each day.

No smoking allowed in the Circus.

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