Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Navigation of Duck Creek

The Marietta Register, November 30, 1923

It is not generally known that way back there in the yesteryears when the people who were in the harness in building up Washington County were looking into the future as they made every effort to solve the transportation problem to such a depth that they attempted to harness the waters of Duck Creek and to this end a company was formed and the work begun.

Some headway was made and at a session of the Ohio Legislature, an act was passed incorporating the "Duck Creek Navigation Company," authorizing said company to improve the navigation of said creek by slack water; in pursuance thereof a meeting of the Commissioners appointed by said act was held in Salem Township on the 4th day of May, 1837, to take into consideration the expediency of opening books to receive subscriptions to the stock of said company. A majority of said commissioners being present, a meeting was organized by calling Harry Hill to the chair and appointing Joel Tuttle secretary. The following resolution was then offered and unanimously adopted by the meeting: 

Resolved, That we deem it expedient that books shall be opened, agreeably to the act entitled, "An act to incorporate the Duck Creek navigation Company," for subscriptions to the stock of said company at Marietta, Fearing, Salem and Aurelius in the County of Washington and State of Ohio.

On motion it was moved that six of said commissioners be appointed to open the books to receive subscriptions to the stock of said company at such time and place as they may deem expedient. Whereupon, the following persons were appointed for that purpose, viz: William W. McIntosh, Selden N. Merriam, James Dutton, James M. Amlin, Harry Hill, Silas Hobby. 

It is hereby given that one hundred shares have been subscribed to the stock of the "Duck Creek Navigation Company," agreeably to the requisition of the 4th section of the act of the Ohio Legislature incorporating said company, and that a meeting of the stockholders will be held at the school house in Salem Township near the house of Rufus Payne on the 3rd day of June, 1837, at 6 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing five directors to manage the concerns of said company.

By order of the Commissioners.
May 6, 1837. Joel Tuttle, Secretary.


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