Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Move West In an Auto

 The Marietta Daily Times, July 23, 1919

Carrying a tent and two full sized beds which fasten on the sides of the running boards of an auto, R. B. Brenan, wife, son and Mrs. Brenan's sister, Miss Olive Dailey, will not only go west by motor but will sleep by the car.

The two beds, which contain springs as good as those on the ordinary bed in the home, have room enough in each for two people and they are said to be most comfortable. A big tent goes over the machine and covers the two beds.

Robert Brenan, who was recently master mechanic for the city, will take his family to California, locating near Los Angeles. They will leave Saturday and Miss Dailey, who recently returned from France where she did nursing in the army, will make her home with them.

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