Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Was Original of "Lorena"

Marietta Daily Journal, March 5, 1917

Mrs. Martha Ellen Johnson, widow of the late Judge William W. Johnson, whose death occurred at the home of C. E. Tresch of Second Street, Saturday, was widely known throughout this section as the heroine of the original poem, "Lorena." This song came into existence about the year 1858, and at that time created quite a sensation in the musical circles of the West. The music had a peculiar charm, the words were singularly touching and the whole poem suggested a story back of it. It was composed by a Rev. H D. L. Webster, who at the time of the happenings of his story occupied a pulpit in Zanesville, where Mrs. Johnson, then Miss Blocksom, lived. 

The poem created such a sensation when it appeared in print that the name Lorena at once became familiar. Many things were named after the title of this touching ballad, the most familiar of which was the old steamer, "Lorena," which for many years plied the waters of hte Ohio and Muskingum rivers.

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Marietta Daily Journal, March 3, 1917

Mrs. Martha Ellen Johnson

Mrs. Johnson was called from our midst to the spiritual life this morning at 7:25. She was born at Zanesville, Ohio, December 8th, 1828, the daughter of Judge and Mrs. William Blocksom - married October 26, 1854, to William W. Johnson, a promising young lawyer of Ironton, Ohio, where they lived until Judge Johnson was elected to the Supreme Court of Ohio, and served eight years, when ill health overtook him. He died March 2nd, 1887, and was Chief Justice of Ohio at that time and acknowledged one of the ablest jurists of the state.

Mrs. Johnson for years was blind and bore her affliction with a forbearance which proved her Christian faith, endearing herself to her friends by her ever-present cheerfulness. 

Services will be held at her late residence, 325 Second Street, at 3 o'clock Sunday, after which her remains will be taken to Ironton, Ohio, to rest beside those of her husband and two sons.

[More about "Lorena":]

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