Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Fourth

 The Marietta Intelligencer, July 9, 1846

We believe almost everybody in Marietta in one way or another participated in the festivities of this Anniversary. We hear of picnic parties on Harmar Hill, on the Island, in Virginia, and on College Hill. 

The Sabbath School connected with the Methodist Episcopal Society celebrated the day in the Brick Church on Putnam Street. Mr. James F. Given delivered an oration, after which, and the exercises of the S. School children, refreshments were served in the basement.

The Sabbath School of the Universalist Society assembled in the morning at their church on Second Street, where addresses were made by some members of the school and an oration delivered by Rev. Eaton. A dinner was prepared in the orchard adjacent to the church.

The several Sabbath Schools in Harmar had a union celebration and were addressed by Rev. Messrs. Dana, Bing, and Bates and by several of the teachers in the respective schools. A dinner was furnished in the market house.

A large company assembled in Mr. Prentiss' orchard near the College, where a bountiful table was spread and where brief addresses were made by Prof. Kendrick, Mr. George M. Woodbridge, and other gentlemen whose names we have not learned.

In the evening, the concert at the Congregational Church "came off." It was numerously attended and the Library Hall, in which the Ladies of the Society spread their refreshment tables, was crowded - a part of the time almost to suffocation.

We hear of celebrations in various parts of the county - as at Newport, Beverly, and Fearing - but have received no accounts of the exercises.

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