Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Lower Salem in Flames

The Marietta Weekly Leader, July 6, 1886

The Thriving Little Village Almost Annihilated - Loss Fully $30,000!
Wednesday morning about one o'clock a fire broke out in the livery stable of Judson Hovey, Lower Salem, which was located on the main street of the village, and before the seemingly angry and fierce element could be subdued, it has destroyed no less than fourteen buildings along Main Street, creating a loss of at least $30,000, and leaving the village in a desolate condition.

A great number of the young men are members of the Salem Rifles and were absent in camp at the time of the fire, or else much of the property destroyed might have been saved. Nevertheless those left at home worked with a will and by almost superhuman efforts saved buildings that seemed on the point of succumbing to the fiery ordeal under which they were placed.

It is thought that the fire was the work of an incendiary.

The losses are as follows, as far as learned by us:

-Lauer & Co., loss $300, fully insured.
-George Lauer, tobacco house, loss $200.
-Mrs. Rees Thomas, store, dwelling, goods, &c., loss $6,000, insurance $3,000.
-George Kilzer, dwelling and contents totally destroyed, loss $2,500, insured for $1,500.
-Charles Haas, shoe shop, tobacco store, millinery stock, loss $3,000, insurance $800.
-George S. Hovey, hotel and contents, loss $5,000, not insured.
-Judson Hovey, two stables, grain, hay, &c., one horse and village hall, Armory of Salem Rifles, loss $5,000, no insurance.
-Doan & Bros., cigars and tobacco, loss $400, no insurance.
-Hazen, grocery, loss $1,000, no insurance.

A lot of gun cartridges belonging to the "Salem Rifles," stored in the cellar of the Armory exploded, creating considerable damage. Also other property in the building was either damaged or destroyed.

This is the greatest calamity that has ever befallen the thriving little village, and it will take a long time for her to recover from her losses.

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