Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Bosworth, Wells & Co.

The Marietta Intelligencer, January 19, 1859

Messrs. Bosworth, Wells & Co. have purchased the buildings and ground on the corner of Front and Monroe streets, lately occupied by Joseph Wildt and owned by Charles Shipman. The lot is 42 feet wide on Front Street, by 190 deep. It is the intention of Messrs. B., W. & Co. to tear down the old buildings on the rear of the lot, move the dwelling house on the corner to the back end, and in its place erect two elegant brick stores, with iron fronts, having a width of 42 feet and a depth of 100 feet. These will be the largest stores in town, and if we are to judge from a partial design of them exhibited to us, they will be the handsomest and most showy structures in this part of the city. This firm has been hitherto much straitened for room; in the new building opportunity will be afforded for the full development of their progressive, enterprising spirit.

The sum paid for the buildings and lot was $3,400. The firm has already began to collect materials and will commence building about the 1st of April.

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