Sunday, May 1, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 18

 The Marietta Register, January 22, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register."

Marietta, in January 1825, lost two of its "rising young men." One - Henry P. Wilcox - left suddenly and somewhat mysteriously for "Parts unknown"; the other - Benjamin P. Putnam - was cut off by that "fell destroyer," consumption.

The exact date of the disappearance of Mr. Willcox we do not know, but it was about New Year's. He was the son of Gen. Joseph Wilcox, who died just eight years before, and who lived in the house since known as that of the Ward family. He built the house in which Col. Mills has lived for the last quarter of a century; also the store building corner of Front and Putnam streets, now occupied by J. L. Stephens. 

The Friend makes no mention of his departure, but he was Postmaster, and on the 7th of January the name of "David Morris, Postmaster pro tem, is published. Jan. 24th, notice was published by Dr. S. P. Hildreth and A. V. D. Joline, that they had been appointed by Mr. Wilcox as his agents to settle his business. Why he left, we have heard attributed to some purloining of money from letters in connection with the Post Office, the precise nature of which was, we believe, never full developed to the public. He went to Canada, but subsequently came into Cattarangus Co., New York, where he practiced medicine; and it is said that he went to Albany, where he had some prominence, being at one time Secretary to the Governor.

He started out in Marietta with dashing prospects, married a daughter of Rev. Joseph Willard, lived in style, but his career ended here as above related. He once came here, but kept out of public view. David Morris was appointed to succeed him as Postmaster.

Benjamin P. Putnam was the oldest brother of our fellow citizens Douglas and David Putnam. He died on Sunday evening, Jan. 2, 1825, in his 25th year, young, yet he had accomplished "the work of a lifetime." No man, at his age, has ever done so much in Marietta. He was twice married, first to a sister of the late J. W. Dana, of Waterford, afterwards to a sister of the late Nahum Ward. We copy from the Friend, as follows:

"Benjamin P. Putnam was endowed with a strong and active mind, which was early put in train for much usefulness; and having received an education at the age of 17, fitting for active life, he went into the Land Office of the late worthy patriot Gen. Rufus Putnam, where he continued, strictly and satisfactorily engaged, for two years; at the close of which a very extensive Land Agency was placed in is hands - and at a subsequent period the office of Cashier of the Bank of Marietta was given him. Business was rapidly multiplying upon his hands, for he gave satisfaction to all who had negotiations with him - when suddenly, in the bloom of life, he was called by his God, in whom he had full faith and confidence, to leave this world of sorrows and be at rest. His friends and society at large sincerely mourn the loss of so worthy, generous, humane, hospitable and philanthropic a character as that which he sustained. He has left a void in our society of no ordinary magnitude."

Jan. 3, 1825, Joel Sherman, son of Josiah Sherman of Waterford, died at the age of 21 - shot four days before at a Wolf Hunt in Windsor township, Morgan Co., by careless persons who fired at a deer.

Jan. 7, 1825, the card of "Arius Nye, Attorney and Counsellor at Law," first appears in the Friend.

Fayette Sherman was, at this date, Commissioner of Insolvents in Washington County. He was of the law firm of "F. Sherman and J. English at the New Court House."

Feb., 1825, Dr. John Cotton was elected Associate Judge, and held the office, we believe, twenty-two years, until his death in 1847.

About this date, Col. Mills resigned his commission. Harry Hill was Lieut. Colonel and was elected to fill the vacancy.

March 16, and "unprecedented hail-storm" occurred in Marietta, "breaking more or less glass in every house in town, from 20 to 80 panes each."

At this date, Lewis (the late John) and Robinson advertise as tailors, and Samuel McClallen as a saddler. 

March 29, 1825, Hon. Return J. Meigs died of consumption, late Postmaster General of the United States and former Governor of Ohio.

April 4, 1825, Royal Prentiss was elected Town Clerk; William R. Putnam, George Corner and Anaximander Warner, Trustees; John Mills, Treasurer; Eli Iams, Enoch Hoff and Notley Drown, Constables.

May 8, 1825, about midnight, the steamboat Mechanic, of Marietta, Capt. W. Hall [Wyllys Hall], coming from Nashville, was snagged and sunk while ascending the Ohio, about 125 miles below Louisville; no lives lost.

May 23, 1825, Gen. Lafayette passed up the Ohio on the steamer Herald - landed in Marietta, amid the firing of cannon, and spent about an hour at the house of Nahum Ward, with whom he had become acquainted at Paris, the people generally calling upon him at Mr. Ward's.

June, 1825, William A. Whittlesey appointed Auditor, in place of R. Prentiss, resigned.

June 24, 1825, Robert Dale Owen lectured in Marietta on "The New System of Society."

October 14, 1825, John Bryan was killed near the mouth of Duck Creek by the fall of a stick of timber upon him, while engaged in turning over a new-built flatboat.

Election in 1825 - For Senator, Ephraim Cutler 711, Ebenezer Currier 142. Athens voted with Washington, and Mr. Currier of that county was elected. For Representative, William R. Putnam 747, James M. Booth 117. For Commissioner, 3 years, Joseph Barker 776, Samson Cole 64. For Commissioner, 2 years, Thomas White 461, Silas Cook 237, Weston Thomas 105. For Auditor, William A. Whittlesey 702, William Slocomb 151.

Marriages in 1825:

Jan. 20, James M. Amlin of Fearing (now of Ironton) and Eliza Sharp of Lawrence.
Jan. 24, Whipple S. Clark and Keziah McLane.
Feb. 3, Salmon Parke of Union and Sophronia Mason of Adams.
Feb. 13, Jabez Davis and Laura Learned.
Feb. 17, Henry P. Miner and Experience Fuller.
Feb. 17, Stephen Otis and Sally Dyer of Union.
Feb. 24, Silas Fearing and Mary B. Babcock.
Feb. 24, William Teas and Nancy Miller.
March 2, Simeon Deming, Jr., and Mary A. Ford, both of Watertown.
March 10, John Hoagland and Mary R. Proctor, both of Barlow.
March 16, Robert Crawford and Lucy Russell.
March 16, John Alexander and Polly Sinclair, both of Adams.
April 13, Joseph T. Millard and Lavina Warren.
April 15, John Clark of Belpre and Matilda F. Chappel of Warren.
April 28, Matthew Henry of Watertown and Mary Parke of Union.
May 12, Robert Riley and Mary Hoskins, both of Newport.
May 12, Stephen Gould and Polly Proctor, both of Barlow.
June 9, Smith Bartlett and Mary Willis of Union.
June 13, Samuel Whipple and Mrs. Margaret Lincoln.
June 23, Warren Wilcox and Emily Morse.
June 23, Richard F. Morris and Martha Lake.
July 12, Dr. Ephraim Quimby and Mrs. Sarah Guitteau, both of Fearing.
July 31, Jesse Loring of Belpre and Adaline Durfee of Union.
Aug. 10, Maj. William Hart of Fearing and Mrs. Mary McNeal of Marietta.
Aug. 11, in Fearing, Gilbert G. Drown and Eliza Perkins.
Aug. 11, John Merrill of Marietta and Ann Barber of Clermont Co.
Sept. 22, James Ferguson and Elvira Morse.
Oct. 6, in Fearing, Dr. A. Hicks and Eliza Rump.
Oct. 6, S. Whittock and Mixindia Stanley.
Oct. 16, Asa Davis of Madison Co. and Jane Lake of Union.
Oct. 17, Ezra O'Neal of Belpre and Matilda Ferguson of Newport.
Nov. 3, Deming L. Rathbone of Columbus and Catharine Putnam of Belpre.
Nov. 24, Enos Chapman and Anna Doan, both of Fearing.
Dec. 6, Dr. Perley B. Johnson of McConnelsville and Mary M. Dodge of Adams.
Dec. 10, James P. Beswick of Watertown and Augusta Thorniley of Marietta.
Dec. 12, Asahel Doan to Sarah W. Stanley, both of Fearing.
Dec. 22, in Lawrence, Amos Dye of Morgan Co. and Mrs. Sophia Dye.

Deaths in 1825:

May 21, Polly, wife of Henry Cogswell, 28.
June 6, Sally, wife of Billy Todd, 36.
July 3, in Fearing, John Amlin, 52.
July 8th, Mrs. Mary, widow of Israel Stone, 61.
July 30, in Watertown, Samuel Mellor, 76.
Aug. 10, in Watertown, Moses, youngest son of C. Malster, 19.
Aug. 28, in Waterford, Andres Powers.
Sept. 4, Sylvander Root, 28.
Oct. 17, Theodore S. Foster of Belpre, 30.
Dec. 21, Caleb R. Barstow, in Newport, 19.
Dec. 27, Luther Otis Dana, 13.

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