Sunday, June 5, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 23

The Marietta Register, March 4, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register." 

Jan. 28, 1831, Walter Curtis of Belpre elected Associate Judge of Washington County.

Feb. 1831, Francis Devol received $10 bounty for killing a wolf over six months old in Union Township; and John Craig $8.25 for killing a wolf in Aurelius.

Feb. 1831, a little daughter of Notley Drown, in Harmar, about eight years old, was so badly burned by her clothes taking fire, that she died soon after.

Apr. 19, 1831, the steamboat Tri-Color, Capt. Notley Drown of Harmar, exploded at Wheeling, killing Capt. Drown, Henry Cherry and Joseph Worstell of this place, and O. B. Nowland, who had formerly lived here. Eight persons were killed and eight severely injured. Capt. Drown was the father of the present Capt. H. H. Drown of the Bostona No. 2.

July 23, 1831, Charles Haskell of Newport was drowned while swimming to try to secure his wood-flat, which had broken loose from the bank of the Ohio in high wind. He was a highly respectable citizen.

Election in 1831:

The election in this county in 1831 was close. There were two papers, one on each side - the "Friend" being the organ of the opposition to the Jackson Administration, theirs being called the "National Republican Ticket." The "Western Republican," started by John Brough, January 1831, was the organ of the Jackson men, who called theirs the "Democratic Republican Ticket." Gov. Brough was then only about twenty years of age and the "Friend" speaks of him as "Muster Brough."

The National Republicans triumphed in this county by a small majority, except that Royal Prentiss was beaten for Treasurer 62 votes, by Michael Deterly.

The vote in the county stood - For Senator, Arius Nye 684, Isaac Humphreys 611. For Representative, James M. Booth 702, Samuel H. Gates 590. For Commissioner, Jabish F. Palmer 737, Robert K. Ewart 561. For Treasurer, Royal Prentiss 625, Michael Deterly 687 The rest of the National Republican Ticket had no opposition - For Auditor, William A. Whittlesey 1135. For Assessor, Jesse Loring 1130. For Recorder, Daniel H. Buell 1140.

Marietta voted - For Senator, A. Nye 165, Humphreys 130. Representative, Booth 169, Gates 118.

Marriages in 1831:

Jan. 7, William Greene and Mary Ann Bartlett.
Jan. 23d, J. F. Stroble and Elizabeth Snyder.
Jan 27th, John Parker of Union and Sabina Carl of Waterford.
Feb. 15, in Warren, Richard Pattin and Mary Smith.
Feb. 16, Douglas Putnam and Mary Ann Hildreth.
March 3d, in Adams, John Mason and Rosanna Cook.
March 31st, John M. Plumer and Jane H. Fulton.
Apr. 11th, Alfred Dana and Jane H. Fulton.
Apr. 11th, Alfred Dana of Newport and Anna T. Pratt of Adams.
May 3d, George W. Barker and Emeline Devol.
June 28, Joseph Barker, Jr., of Newport and Mrs. Mary Ann Shipman.
July 5, Stephen Hart and Eliza Buck.
Oct. 10, Josiah M. Hart and Clarissa Gray, both of Waterford.
Nov. 15, Richard Greene of Newport and Harriet Brown of Barlow.

Deaths in 1831:

Jan., at Vicksburg, Chester Howe of Marietta, aged 27.
Jan., at Utica, new York, Mrs. Mary Ann Ward, wife of Col. William H. Ward and daughter of the late Gen. Joseph Buell of Marietta, aged 26.
Jan. 25th, in Warren, Philip Cole, 50.
Jan. 30th, Benjamin Guitteau.
Feb. 12, in Watertown, the wife of William Woodford.
March 23d, in Fearing, Maj. Benjamin F. Carlisle.
Apr. 14th, Mrs. Mary Mathews, wife of James B. Mathews and daughter of Capt. Daniel Greene.
Apr. 19th, in Harmar, Joel Olney.
Apr. 20th, John M. Luce, 35.
Apr. 29th, Mrs. Siba Buell, widow of Gen. Joseph Buell, 62.
May 8, in Warren, Mrs. Sabra Smith, wife of William Smith.
June 15, Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, wife of Abram B. Perry, 56.
June 28th, the wife of Col. Levi Barber.
July 4, Mrs. Eunice Edgerton, 81.
July 30th, the wife of Otis Wheeler, and on the same day their son, aged 2-1/2 years.
Nov. 7, Eliza Holden, eldest daughter of Joseph Holden, 20.
Dec. 19, Mrs. Hannah Jennings, wife of Junia Jennings.
Dec. 26th, in Belpre, Mrs. Mary Dana, 80.

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