Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Suburban Residences

The Marietta Intelligencer, February 9, 1859:

We are glad to see a beginning made towards covering the slopes of our beautiful hills with tasteful residences. Few towns can compare with Marietta in beauty of location, if we consider the town plat alone, and regard the hills which border the Muskingum on either side, merely as pleasant objects on which the eye may rest. The citizens of many a Western city would gladly pay a handsome price for such hills merely to look at; and we always prize them higher after being subjected to the monotony of view presented by so many of our towns.

But these hills, beautiful as they are by nature, may be made more so by art. Whoever erects thereon a handsome edifice and surrounds it with those marks of taste and beauty which are the natural surroundings of a fine house on such a site, deserves the thanks of all our people. He is a public benefactor.

Our twin sister across the Muskingum has taken the lead of us in this matter. But we are glad to learn that the example set by the Messrs. Putnam is about to be followed by one of our citizens. Mr. William F. Curtis has purchased from the College a beautiful lot, fronting on Seventh street, between Greene and Butler, and is making preparations to erect a tasteful house. His enclosure embraces fourteen or fifteen acres, and his house will be placed near the center. This will give him ample scope for ornament. Rightly laid out and cared for, these grounds may be made extremely beautiful.

Of the view from them, it is not necessary to speak. A finer prospect than is here presented to the eye on a pleasant day in May or June, is rarely to be met with on either continent.

William Curtis House on Orchard Street

The Marietta Intelligencer, June 22, 1859:

Improvements in Harmar

The following, as near as we can ascertain, is a statement of the improvements which are making upon the other side of the Muskingum this season. Their number is greater than we supposed, even exceeding that of improvements in Marietta; though they are not quite so extensive.

Douglas Putnam - Large stone dwelling at the end of Putnam St., on the side of Harmar hill. The main building is two stories high, and 80 feet front by 68 ft. deep; the observatory four stories high, and 15 ft. square, commanding an extensive and beautiful prospect; and the office and library two stories high, 30 ft. by 19. There is a brick building in the rear for a wash-room and store-room, two stories high, 32 ft. by 28; and a fine two-story frame building at the side, for a stable, 28 ft. by 36. John Slocomb is the architect and master builder. Nelson Alcock was superintendent of the stone work, Joseph Jones, of the brick work, and Henry Miller, plasterer. The building will be completed by fall.

Douglas Putnam House, later known as The Anchorage

Levi Barber - Two story frame dwelling, just finished, on Franklin St. There are two parts to the building - one 30 ft. by 16, and the other 15 by 24. William Barnet, builder.

Thomas Turner - Frame cottage, with stone foundation, 34 ft. by 36. William McCoy is contractor for the frame work, and Samuel Cox for the stone work.

E. Locker - Two story frame dwelling, 36 ft. by 24 - on Main St., between Putnam and Lancaster. The work on the building is done by the day, there being no contractor.

G. W. Sharp - Frame dwelling - on Franklin St. There are two parts to the building - one two stories high, the other, a story and a half, together measuring 36 ft. by 22. J. S. Sharp, builder.

N. Cordry - Frame dwelling of the same size and location. E. S. Morton, builder.

David Putnam - Two story frame dwelling, 14 ft. by 28, with kitchen in the rear, 12 ft. by 14 - on Clinton St. William McCoy, builder.

William McCoy - Two story frame, 20 ft. by 40 - on Franklin St. - to be used for the present as carpenter shop, for the owner.

Putnam, Pool & Co. - Two story frame, 32 ft. by 80, in the rear of their establishment, to be used as a ware house and stable by the manufacturing Company. The work on the building is done by the day.

Chapin & Bro. - Addition to their sawmill, on Ohio St., of two stories, 21 ft. by 73. The old part is to be raised 6 feet.

Isaac Spaulding is altering a ware house on Ohio St. into a fine dwelling house, 45 ft. by 20, and improving his former dwelling.

John Bartlett - Addition to house on Ohio St., on one side, one story, 32 ft. by 10 - on the end, two stories, 16 ft. square.

Gardner Hall - Two story frame dwelling, 24 ft. by 18, on Franklin St. George Locker, builder.

S. N. Cox - Frame cottage, 16 ft. by 24, on Franklin St., William McCoy, carpenter.

Josiah T. Hart - Two story frame dwelling, 16 ft. by 24, in McCoy's addition to Harmar. William McCoy, builder.

Gilbert Wood - Frame cottage, 16 ft. by 24, on Wood St. William McCoy, builder.

Harmar in 1875, D. J. Lake's Atlas of Washington County, Ohio. Note changes in street names. Ohio Street later became Virginia Street.

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