Sunday, July 24, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 30

The Marietta Register, April 22, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register."

March 15, 1834, wheat 44 cents a bushel in Marietta.

Nahum Ward was President of the Washington County Agricultural Society, in 1834; Dr. Jonas Moore, Vice President; George M. Woodbridge, Recording Secretary; Dr. S. P. Hildreth, Corresponding Secretary; Samuel Shipman, Treasurer.

June 28, Delafield & Nye dissolved partnership in the Gazette, after a year's continuance, E. W. Nye withdrawing. J. Delafield, Jr. continued the paper.

July 4, 1834. Celebration - Declaration of Independence read by William A. Whittlesey, Esq., Oration by Levi H. Goddard, Esq.

July 16, 1834, the card of Dr. E. H. Allen, Dentist, first appears in the Marietta Gazette; on the 26th, we first observe an advertisement by Dr. H. Trevor; and on August 15, Dr. F. Regnier gave notice that he had permanently located in Harmar.

Ephraim Palmer was at this time Colonel of the militia in Washington County; Hiel Dunsmoor, Adjutant.

August 23, 1834, we first find the term "Whig" used in the Gazette as applied to a political party. About this time the National Republicans took that name; and not long before the Democratic Republicans took the simple name of "Democrat."

About this date the Nimrod, a small steamboat from Marietta, burst a steam pipe some distance above Maysville, and it was reported that seven persons were killed and several others scalded.

Sept. 13, 1834, Jason R. Curtis, for many years a well known citizen of Marietta, died after a short illness. He was the father of Hon. W. F. Curtis.

Oct. 18, 1834, John Delafield, Jr., gave notice that he should within a short time withdraw from the Gazette, as he had been elected Cashier of the Clinton Bank, then soon to go into operation at Columbus.

Capt. Zebulon Jennings raised 292 bushels of corn on four acres of upland, measured and certified - 73 per acre.

Nov. 14, 1834, Hon. Sardine Stone, long a leading citizen, died in Union, at the age of 66.

Nov. 15, 1834, Pazzi Lapham, who had been publishing the Patriot at London, Madison County, succeeded Mr. Delafield as editor and publisher of the Marietta Gazette.

Nov. 22, 1834, the Episcopal Church, corner of Fourth and Scammel streets (now a German church) was first opened for public worship.

Election in 1864 - The Whig Ticket succeeded in Washington County, 292 majority. The county voted - For Governor, James Findlay, 907; Robert Lucas, 615. For Congress, Samuel F. Vinton, 916; A. V. D. Joline, 393; Dr. Thomas M. Drake, of Athens, 140. For Representative, Joseph Barker, Jr., 906; Isaac Humphreys, 597. For Sheriff, Benjamin M. Brown, 808; Joseph P. Wightman, 695. For Recorder, James M. Booth, 881; Silas Cook, 578. For Commissioner, John D. Chamberlain, 865; Solomon Dickey, 591. For Coroner, Francis Devol, 890.

Marietta voted - Findlay, 256; Luas, 90. Vinton, 256; Joline, 44; Drake, 34. Barker, 252 Humphreys, 91. Brown, 245; Wightman, 100. Booth, 243; Cook, 89. Chamberlain, 243; Dickey, 85. Devol, 246.


March 4, 1834, James Bowen of Waterford, and Catharine Ann Wheeler of Watertown.
March 6, William Thorniley and Eliza Jane Rowland of Newport.
March 6, Armstrong Wilson and Louisa Travis, both of Roxbury.
May 15, Adonis Carver and Anna Phillips, both of Newport.
June 5, George Lee and Susan Bartlett, both of Marietta.
June 26, Jacob Rardin and Samantha Travis, both of Roxbury.
July 17, Daniel G. Wilson and Margaret A. Palmer, both of Waterford. 
August 3, John McAllister and Olive F. Owen, both of Marietta.
August 21, Benjamin Rutter and Mary Leget, both of Watertown.
August 27, Dr. E. H. Allen and Irena Benedict of Belpre.
August 30, Allen Devol, Jr., of Waterford and Edith La Grange of Adams.
November 13, Benjamin Racer and Mrs. Abigail Churchill.
November 20, Joseph E. Hall and Miss Susannah E. Roe.
November 14, Argalus Pixley, Jr., and Sally Watkins.
November 14, William Mervin and Nancy Kennedy.
November 14, Amos Knowles and Jane Miller of Belpre.
December 18, Erastus W. Stacy and Amy Gates, both of Union.
December 21, George W. Tyler, Printer, and Mary Allen, both of Marietta.


September 29, 1834, in Adams, Mrs. Parthenia Judd, in her 55th year.
October 12, in Cincinnati, Alfred Proctor of Watertown in his 26th year.
November 7, Mrs. Sophia, wife of L. G. Converse, in her 34th year.

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