Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Information Wanted and Furnished

Cleveland Herald, January 5, 1832:

Information Wanted

My Husband, by the name of Joseph G. Fuller, a Painter by Trade, came to this place in Oct. last; the latter part of Nov. he wrote to have me come to Cleaveland; I accordingly done so, and arrived here about three weeks ago and found to my sad disappointment that he had gone south on the Canal Boat Liberty, destined for Chillicothe. The Boat has not returned in consequence of the ice, and it is possible he has gone to Cincinnati; be he where he may I am extremely desirous to learn his residence and also to have him know that I am in Cleaveland, Ohio, among strangers, and in a poor state of health; bitterly lamenting his absence, and anxiously hoping e'er long to enjoy his presence.

Now, all those (especially Editors) who will use their endeavors to circulate this note and accomplish the object expressed will not only confer a signal favor; but shall receive the grateful acknowledgements of a disconsolate "wife in search of a husband." Lydia Fuller.

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, February 25, 1832:

Information Furnished

Joseph G. Fuller, who is advertised in the Cleaveland Herald by his wife Lydia Fuller, to be informed of his residence, &c. has called at this office and requested us to publish that he has for a short time past been in Marietta - that he is mate of the Steam Boat Whale, built at this place, and that he shall go to Cincinnati, and from thence return to Cleveland to his wife.


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