Sunday, July 31, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 31

 The Marietta Register, April 29, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register."

Jan. 1, 1835, a prospectus of the "Young Men's Western Magazine," to be published at Marietta, was issued by C. C. Preston at $2.50 per year.

Jan. 3, 1835, a public meeting was held at the Court House in favor of improving the Muskingum river; and a memorial (not the first one) was sent to the Legislature in order to secure the aid of the State in accomplishing the work. A meeting was held at Zanesville on Jan. 7th for the same purpose; also at McConnelsville, about the same time.

Jan. 8, 1835, a lad named Parker, aged 14, was drowned in the Ohio, opposite Harmar, while skating.

Jan. 15, 1835, three Tailors advertised their business in Marietta, John Cunningham, James Kirby, M. A. Chappell.

Feb. 9, 1835, the mercury in Marietta stood at 16 degrees below zero.

May 23, 1835, Solomon Maxwell, student and a nephew of Prof. Samuel Maxwell, was drowned in the Muskingum while in bathing; he was in his 17th year.

June 6, 1835, the steamer Rufus Putnam, built by James Whitney, left Marietta on her first trip.

Aug. 1, 1835, Pazzi Lapham retired from the Gazette, having sold out to Edward W. Nye. Mr. Lapham edited the paper eight months and a half and did it well.

Oct. 1, 1835, D. H. Buell, Esq., opened a Bookstore in Marietta. Dr. W. B. Farrell had a Drug store in town at this date.

Oct. 7, 1835, Lionel Tenney, first took charge of the English School connected with Marietta College. He was afterwards a teacher here for about twenty-five years.

Election in 1835:

The Whigs in this county let the election go by default and di not poll one-half their strength. The county voted - For Senator, Andrew Donally of Meigs Co. (elected) 416; William Wall of Athens, 534; Nahum Ward of Marietta, 430. For Representative, William Pitt Putnam, 581; Isaac Humphreys, 785. For Auditor, Robert Crawford, 426; William A. Whittlesey, 890. For Treasurer, Amos Dunham, 499; Ebenezer Gates, 816. For Commissioner, Ebenezer Battelle, 606; Robert K. Ewart, 689. For Assessor, John Brown, 594; James Ewings, 600. For surveyor, Benjamin F. Stone, 720. For Prosecuting Attorney, Arius Nye, 780.

Marietta voted - Donally, 99; Wall, 74; Ward, 167. Putnam, 157; Humphreys, 180. Crawford, 171; Whittlesey, 136. Dunham, 155; Gates 167. Battelle, 194; Ewart, 117. Brown, 176; Ewings, 111. Stone, 219. Nye, 205.


Dec. 25, 1834, B. F. Pixley of Marietta and Lydia B. Corner of Belpre.
Dec. 25, 1834, Charles Foster and Mary Ann Cherry, both of Fearing.
Jan. 11, 1835, Theodore Shreiner and Maria Tuttle, both of Fearing.
Jan. 18, A. H. Durfee of Belpre and Frances Carlisle of Marietta.
Feb. 8, Samuel S. Brown of Waterford and Harriet N. Lagrange of Adams.
March 24, John Hemphill and Marian Gage, both of Waterford.
March 26, George Greenwood and Elizabeth Edgerton, both of Newport.
March 26, Ezekiel Hoskinson and Susan Riley, both of Marietta.
March 19, Josiah Morgan and Mary Ann Chapman.
April 10, Charles G. Culver of Watertown and Harriet Brown of Waterford.
April 19, Dr. John Allen of Cincinnati and Charlotte Dana of Waterford.
May 14, James H. Guthrie of Gallia County and Charlotte Oaks of this county.
May 21, Christopher C. Smith and Orilla Davis, both of Union.
June 24, John Gidley and Elizabeth Athey.
July 2, Samuel Rightmire and Harriet Nixon.
July 23, Thomas Sinnamen and Orilla Alcock.
July 23, in Aurelius, Dr. Benjamin Brown and Content A. Rayley.
July 28, in Salem, Madison R. Morse and Mary Porter.
Aug. 6, Spencer T. Bukey and Eliza Hill.
Aug. 6, Isaac Shook of Alabama and Maria Shipman.
Aug. 27, Thomas H. Sanford and Mary Ann Harris.
Sept. 24, Dr. F. Regnier and Elizabeth Barber.
Oct 21, Arthur Kelley of Marietta and Harriet Neal of Parkersburg.
Oct. 14, Thomas Hays of Newport and Abigail Jones of Marietta.
Oct. 29, Jesse Whiston of Marietta and Esther Richardson of Newport.
Oct. 29, John Williams and Royana J. Lewis.
Nov. 4, James M. Palmer (of Palmer) and Sophia Gard.
Nov. 17, John Johnson and Nancy Fulcher, both of Warren.
Nov. 25, John M. Proctor and Rowena Green.
Nov. 26, Alpha Brown and Lavina McAtee, both of Waterford.
Dec. 9, in Warren, James Pratt and Catharine Van Pelt.

Deaths in 1835:

Jan. 3, in Salem, Eben Spears, aged 60.
Feb. 2, Miss Maria, wife of Henry Sutton, 28.
March 2, Hannah, daughter of Roger Toothaker, in her 21st year.
March 17, in Union, Solomon Dickey, Esq.
March 27, Mrs. Betsey, wife of Thomas Vinton.
Jue 5, Theodosia, wife of Oliver Dodge, 35.
Aug. 16, Chauncey Reed, 25.
Nov. 10, in Union, Mrs. Rosanna Devol, 34.
Dec. 9, Sarah O., wife of D. P. Bosworth.

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