Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Messrs. William & Bro.'s Historical Enterprise

 The Marietta Register, November 25, 1880

The writers in the employ of Messrs. H. Z. Williams & Bro., the projectors of the forthcoming history of Washington County, desire us to state that they have begun work in Marietta and at other points in their field, and that in course of time they will interview all old residents and others in the possession of valuable facts of local history. They desire that all may have an opportunity of contributing to the compilation of the volume upon which they are engaged and respectfully request that individuals throughout the county shall endeavor to refresh their memories of local events and bring to light whatever they may possess in the way of written or printed matter bearing upon Marietta or the county at large.

It is especially desired that those persons who are the depositories of information upon special topics shall be in readiness to give the fullest details possible upon those topics whatever they may be. The writers would feel obliged to those who have MSS or printed matter upon any of the institutions or interests of any locality in the county, will make such fact known to them, either personally or by letter, and so facilitate their search for facts. Communications should be addressed to H. Z. Williams & Brother, Marietta, Ohio. Anything concerning churches, schools, cemeteries, early events, or important later events, river navigation and improvement, old business houses, manufacturing establishments, etc., etc., will be particularly acceptable.

The publishers desire and intend to make their history of Washington County a comprehensive and exhaustive work. To this end they solicit the aid of all who are now residents or who may have been residents of the county, but who have located elsewhere. The volume will contain not less than 450 royal quarto pages, and be printed in the best style of the art, and with clear, large type, upon heavy tinted paper. It will contain among its illustrations sketches of historical objects and portraits of pioneers and prominent men of the county. Owing to the size of the volume, the broad scope of the work and the extraordinarily large task that the writers have before them in this classic ground, the company, although employing about eighteen or twenty men in all departments, will be unable to conclude its labors before the middle of next year.


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