Wednesday, November 30, 2022

William H. Dabold

 The Marietta Times, October 26, 1882

Early last Friday evening as Mr. William H. Dabold of this city was assisting with his team in hauling home the steam thresher of Mr. Ben Bragg, when near the Gage Barker place above Pinchville, one wheel of the machine ran into a rut and threw Mr. Dabold off the pole where he was standing, under the wheels and crushed him to death instantly, the wheel passing over him at the waste.

Mr. Bragg, in his efforts to catch Mr. Dabold when he fell, was thrown down and badly bruised about the leg and arm. The hind wheel pushed Mr. Dabold's body for some distance and finally passed over it before the machine could be stopped.

Mr. Dabold was 33 years of age and leaves a wife and two small children to mourn his untimely death. His remains were buried from his house on Third Street, Sunday afternoon followed by Odd Fellows in regalia and a large concourse of sympathizing friends.

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