Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Children's Home

 Marietta Intelligencer, December 15, 1860

It is some time since we have alluded to Miss Fay's Institution, "the Children's Home." We wish now to offer some remarks, which the approaching holidays suggest. All who have little children to love and care for, are now busily engaged in preparing some gift for the comfort or amusement of the dear ones, and anticipating with delight the smiles with which they will be received.

Now, Miss Fay has under her charge twenty-one children, all but three of whom are under ten years of age. All bright, active children, as fond of amusement and fun as the more fortunate little ones who will be loaded with toys and surfeited with dainties during the coming holidays. The noble lady who has undertaken the care of these poor friendless children, finds it as much as she can do to feed and clothe them, and it will of course be impossible for her to provide for them a holiday entertainment, or present them each with the trifling gifts which children all enjoy so much, and need for their reward and amusement. Will not some of our benevolent ladies move in this matter! Perhaps provide a dinner and be themselves present to cheer and encourage not only the children, but the heroic woman who has devoted her life to them. Articles for use as well as amusement would, doubtless, prove most acceptable.

Here is an opportunity of doing much good at very little cost, and the children as well as their parents can aid in it. You will gladden the hearts of twenty-one little children who receive very few of the good things of this life, you will greatly encourage and strengthen her who has assumed the position of mother to these children, and you will receive into your own hearts the blessing that is promised to those who minister to the wants of the widow and the orphan.

Any articles left at this office will be taken care of and forwarded to their destination.

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