Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Balloon Ascensions

The Home News, July 28, 1860

Our citizens, old and young, were highly gratified on Wednesday evening, with a couple of very beautiful balloon ascensions. The balloon was ten feet high and of a width in proportion, made of colored tissue paper by Ely Hall. It was sent up from the corner of Second and Ohio streets, a little after sunset, and arose gracefully in the still blue ether almost to a perpendicular height of a mile – the highest we have ever seen a paper balloon ascend – and then gradually descended in the street by the High School in Harmar. It was immediately sent up again, this time descending near the steam mill on Front street.

Remarkable Persons

The Home News, August 25, 1860

Mr. Lorey found in his district, of which he has just completed the census, three of the most remarkable white persons in the county or state. The first is Abraham Stokes, of Lawrence township, the oldest white man in the county, aged 105 years; the second is Amos Porter, of Salem township, the last of the Pioneers of Ohio, who landed in Marietta, April 7, 1788, who is now 91 years old, and the [longest] resident of the State of Ohio; and last, the famous fat baby of Liberty township, Miss Isabella Thompson, now seven years old, and weighing 250 pounds.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Balloon Ascension – Fearful Accident

The Home News, September 15, 1860

The proposition of Mr. W. J. Shotts, to ascend in his balloon on Wednesday last, attracted a large crowd of people of both sexes, big and little, from far and near, to witness the daring feat. The tent was pitched in front of the National House on Second Street, around which the people also congregated. In consequence of the wind being rather high, the inflation of the great cotton bag did not commence till nearly five o’clock; but the filling material consisting of nothing but smoke and hot air, the operation was soon performed, when the voyager having taken his position, the monstrous thing arose gracefully into the atmosphere. When just above the tops of the houses, a current of air struck the balloon and careened it to an angle of 40 degrees. This must have strained it severely, for immediately afterward, before it righted itself, and at an altitude of about 300 feet, the people were horror struck by the bursting of the balloon on its under side from top to bottom. The smoke poured out and the balloon began to drop rapidly to the earth. In his frightful descent, Mr. Shotts appeared to be perfectly cool and collected, and reaching up his hands caught hold of the ropes by which his basket was suspended. He struck the ground a few feet from the river, where a score of hands were ready to tear the balloon from him, expecting to find a mangled mass of humanity. But in this they were fortunately disappointed. Though writhing in pain, on examination his principal hurt was discovered to be the breaking of his right leg in two places, below the knee, with slight scratches on his face. He was immediately taken to the National House, and duly cared for by the physicians in attendance. It was an astonishing escape from a horrible death. Mr. Shotts expects to be out again in a few weeks, ready to resume his daring occupation.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Washington County Teachers

The Home News, April 6, 1861

Candidates for teachers in Washington county are as plentiful as candidates for office in Washington city. Only 119 young ladies and gentlemen presented themselves before the county examiners, on Saturday last, all desirous of an opportunity to teach the “young idea how to shoot.”

Certificates were issued to the following outside of the city:

Adams – Misses Elizabeth Fleck, Mary E. Atherton, Melissa Mason, E. M. Mason and E. Sheperd, Lowell. Miss J. D. Brown, Coal Run.

Aurelius – Miss Eliza J. James, Regnier’s Mills.

Barlow – Miss M. J. Preston, Vincent. Misses Clarissa C. J. Beach, S. J. Turner, A. L. Shields, Julia Ferguson, Harriet E. Evans, Christiana Lamb and Elizabeth Fraser, Barlow.

Belpre – Misses Eunice A. Paulk and Sarah R. Druse, Belpre. J. A. Brown and Miss Lottie Ames, Center Belpre. Miss A. M. Guthrie, Little Hocking.

Dunham – M. C. L. Rich, Dunham. Misses Sarah McGill, Katy Brown, Maggie Brown, N. Shaw and J. Shaw, Veto.

Fearing – Messrs. William H. Lankford, Wesley Athey and John Ward, Fearing.

Fairfield – Misses Sarah C. Smith and E. R. Dunsmore, Layman. Misses Esther Kinney and Martha M. Divine, Dunbar.

Grandview – W. H. Thompson, New Matamoras.

Independence – James A. Parr, Ostend.

Ludlow – Messrs. Samuel Miller and William Waddle, Flints Mills.

Lawrence – C. and A. Dupuy, Lawrence. Misses M. J. McCowan and L. Dye, Moss Run.

Marietta – John Coffman and Misses Sarah Scott, Eliza Bartlett and Melissa Olney, Harmar.

Newport – Misses Christiana Gitchell and Belle Little, Newport.

Salem – Misses Lucy Crawford and Alice Athey, Bonn. David Thomas and Misses Eliza Twiggs, Louisa Zollars, Jennie Williams, Amy Gray, Elizabeth Gray, Electa Grimes and Hettie E. Lingo, Lower Salem.

Palmer – Misses Caroline Cooper, Mary E. Thomas and M. Greenlee, Brown’s Mills.

Watertown – Messers. A. H. Benedict, R. Wolcott, Lewis Cutter, David Woodruff, Darius Payne and Misses Rosa Wolcott, Prudentia Martin, A. H. Wolcott, Jane Combs, Margaret Dunham and Mary Breckenridge, Watertown.

Waterford – S. S. McNeal, I. Burris and Misses Delilah and Elizabeth Brabham, Waterford.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sham Fortifications

The Home News, November 16, 1861

Two companies of the 63d regiment left Camp Putnam, on Thursday morning, for the Narrows, a mile or two down the river, for the purpose of practicing a little in the field, prior to taking the field in earnest. They were employed in erecting breastwork, mounting columbiads, and in other warlike occupations. We like the idea. Much better employ them in improvising sham fortifications than allowing them to “spoil” in camp. We hope no steamboat will be frightened out of the water by the terrible appearance on our side of the river. Woe to the secesh who dare to brave the fury of our entrenchments!

Civil War Fortifications

The Home News, November 23, 1861

Marietta, it would seem, has been in the most imminent and fearful danger of being attacked, conquered, sacked, burned and destroyed by the ruthless band of the renowned rebel brigand Jenkins, “or any other man.” Wherefore, to save our unconscious citizens from such dire disasters, and “upon the urgent petition of leading men, who were confident the rebels intended a raid in retaliation for the burning of Guyan,” the State authorities forthwith ordered Col. Pond, of the 62d regiment, at Camp Goddard, Zanesville, to report to Col. Craig, “for duty.”

Down the Muskingum they came, on Saturday morning, 600 strong, and were handsomely escorted to Camp Putnam by the excellent regimental band of the 63d. The train on the same evening, brought a ferocious looking gun from Chillicothe, accompanied by light experienced gunners. On Sunday morning, the long or some other roll was beaten, and the troops got speedily under arms. With drums beating, the long procession of martial heroes filed down Front street, across the bridge to Harmar, and thence down to the narrows, where, under the direction of skillful engineers, some strong fortifications were erected, and three bloody-thirsty columbiads duly mounted, ready to blaze away at all friendly or unfriendly steamboats that may attempt to pass up or down, without acknowledging the salute. Our city is now safe, and its citizens ought to breathe easy and sleep sound.

Our Fort

The Home News, November 30, 1861

The last Parkersburg Gazette pays its respects to our defenses as follows:

Marietta – Passing up to Marietta on Thursday on the Woodside, the regular Wheeling packet, we were astonished to be called to by a cannon fired from the shore about two miles this side of Marietta, when an officer came on board, made an examination and gave the boat the privilege to pass on. There is a cannon on the hill above loaded with ball, and day and night a hundred men are guarding the point. This is not only absurd and useless, but wicked. It obstructs commerce, annoys and offends boatmen, alarms the timid passengers, drives trade from the river, and exercises great influence in encouraging traitors here in Va. They say, even Marietta is afraid of us, and are encouraged by that fact to attack smaller and more exposed places. It is earnestly to be hoped that this idle guard will be at once removed.

Death of Amos Porter

The Home News, December 7, 1861 
The last of the Pioneers has departed from among us. Amos Porter, the last of the patriot band who landed in the wilderness where Marietta now stands, on the memorable 7th of April, 1788 – almost 74 years ago – died at the residence of his son in Salem township, on the 28th ult. at the patriarchal age of 93 years. What wondrous changes have taken place since that dim and distant day!

Death of Micajah Phillips

The Home News, December 14, 1861 
The “oldest inhabitant” of Washington county is dead. Old Cajo departed for the shadowless land on Sunday last. His age was not certainly known, but it was somewhere between 113 and 120 years. He was a slave of Blennerhassett, and when misfortunes fell upon the master more than half a century ago, Cajo was sent to the Ohio shore and set free. He was then an old man, and has lived in Watertown ever since. He resided entirely alone, and no smoke having been seen to come from his cabin for two or three days, a neighbor called on Sunday, and found him so far gone as to be unable to make himself understood.

Soldier’s Money

The Home News, January 11, 1862

Capt. T. W. Moore, of the 36th regiment, arrived from Summersville, Va. on Monday, which place he left on Tuesday of last week. He was the custodian of over $12,000, which the soldiers of his own and Capt. Devol’s companies, and a few others sent to their families and friends. Below we publish a list of those from whom the money came, to whom it is to be paid and the amount. The average from each soldier – excluding commissioned officers, is $60 – a very creditable saving. It is probably that about $15,000 will reach this county from the 36th regiment.

The following sums will be paid on demand at W. B. Thomas’ store, Marietta:

Herman E. Davis to Freeman Davis, $60
Salathiel Ladd to John A. Ladd, 60
John Schaeffer to Jacob Wharton, 45
Lyman D. Perrin to George P. Smith, 85
Seldon S. Stow to James S. Stow, 60
Joel E. Story to A. R. Story, 60
Gustavus A. Wood to W. B. Thomas, 50
Hildreth Davis to Evilga P. Davis, 60
William Marshall to Thomas G. Marshall, 60
Church Severance to Frances Severance, 50
William Barnhart to Catharine Barnhart, 50
Benjamin Bragg to James Ward, 70
Charles W. Perkins to Royal A. Perkins, 50
Alex C. Devol to John B. Devol, 30
Joseph A. Ormiston to John Ormiston, 50
Hardison Poisin to Hugh Morris, 50
George Long to William Long, 50
John Living to Henry Living, 50
John B. Oliver to Andrew Fraig, Jr, 105
Silas A. Devol to William Devol, 50
Charles S. Griggs to William W. Griggs, 25
W. W. Harwood to S. F. Seeley, 60
Zebulon Nixon to John H. Carter, 55
Allen C. Morris to A. Z. Morris, 50
Jacob Zangblat to Peter Zangblat, 20
H. W. Hill to Thomas Hill, 28
Thos. P. Jackson to Hugh G. Jackson, 60
George W. Putnam to L. J. P. Putnam, 95
Stephen C. Devol to Theodore Devol, 60
Daniel Owen to Eliza Jane Owen, 35
John Summers to Benjamin Summers, 60
James W. Ross to C. C. Brigham, 60
Jacob Woster to Adam Woster, 55
James Zollars to Catharine Zollars, 50
Simeon M. Devol to J. B. Devol, 50
Amos Wilson to Charles Wilson, 55
John Smith to Margaret Smith, 55
Robert Nesselroad to George Davidson, 45
John S. Davis to Sm. P. Davis, 50
Miles A. Story to O. A. Story, 90
Jerry Unger to Jacob Unger, 60
Goodriel B. Grubb to William McCarty, 125
Francis McAtee to Dudley McAtee, 55
Oscar I. Owens to James B. Wilson, 60
Ely G. Wilson to James B. Wilson, 55
Charles H. Devol to B. F. Devol, 60
Cortland Sheppard to C. Sheppard, 50
E. H. DeWolf to E. DeWolf of Penn., 75
William Barton to Thomas Ellison, 25
Purley Neselroad to George Davidson, 50
Isaac S. Palmer to Watson Chamberlin, 55
William Ross to Daniel Ross, 40
Albert D. Schaeffer to James R. Schaeffer, 55
Elijah McKendey to Elijah McKendey, 25
Ralph Crooks to S. F. Seely, 25
William Tullis to Susan Tullis, 50
Robert Israel to David Spencer, 60
Harris Devol to Mrs. Betsey Devol, 50
John Steed to Thomas Steed, 50
John C. Rigg to Eli L. Rigg, 50
Thomas O. Steed to Jane Steed, 40

The following will be paid by Capt. Moore at his store, Tunnel Station, except those marked with a star, which will be found at the Bank of Marietta:

John Louthan to William Ormiston, $45
W. W. Gilmore to Father, 50
Samuel Harvey to W. Fullerton, 70
Hugh Conley to Mother, 40
Alexander Blair to John Ormiston, 50
Alfred P. Beach to Rufus Beach, 55
Thomas Blair to Daniel Blair, 25
Riece Cooper to J. R. Cooper, 45
O. P. Louthan to William Ormiston & wife, 45
J. D. Johnson to E. Johnson, 20
Robert Harvey to Mother, 55
E. J. Saylor to Philip Moore, 70
Henry Green to Father, 55
William Morris to James Morris, 55
Harvey Green to William Green, 50
William Harvey to Bassil Harvey, 25
Amel Vincent to H. E. Vincent, 65
Aaron McKester to wife, 25
B. F. Brill to Father, 20
George Hoisington to wife, 50
E. P. Cowee to Jasper S. Sprague, 60
Benjamin Robinson to wife, 30
John Kuig to Abel Kuig, 50
E. J. Lawton to James Lawton, 50
Frank Cunningham to B. F. Cunningham, 15
Daniel Preston to Peter Preston, 25
David Hoffman to W. W. W. Hoffman, 70
Samuel Hoffman to David Hoffman, 15
Nicholas Clay to wife, 60
Arthur Lawton to wife, 55
Albert Penrose to Father, 50
Abraham P. Wilson to Wm. Wilson, 55
Sanderson Rogers to Father, 50
Simeon Evans to wife and Moore, 48
Frank Grey to wife, 20
W. Doherty to wife, 70
James Vaughn to wife, 50
James Malcomb to Father, 20
Harvey Cole to Father, 50
Sam. Skipton to Father, 50
James Hanna to Andrew Hanna, 50
M. F. Baker to R. D. Hollister & sister, 62
James Devore to William Devore, 10
Thomas Pierce to wife, 35
J. M. Strain to wife, 55
Syrano Dye to David Dye, 45
M. McGovern to J. McGovern, 25
Joseph Zearing to L. Zearing, 50
William Zearing to L. Zearing, 50
James Zearing to L. Zearing, 30
John Zearing to L. Zearing, 45
John Malcomb to S. Malcomb, 30
Henry Turrill to Sister, 30
Henry Grove to Augustine Grove, 50
Nicholas King to Hugh King, 50
C. W. Daniel – , 40
A. S. Hale to O. Hale, 45
William Hanna to Hugh Hanna, 55
Samuel Atkinson to John Callahan, 41
Luther C. Arbour to Joseph Brennan, 72
Charles DeLong to Sarah S. DeLong, 125
B. S. Wright to W. C. Wright, 60
John Morris to Wife, 55
Joseph Morris to M. Morris, 56
William Miracle to Gamron Miracle, 50
Jesse Miracle to James Miracle, 49
Daniel Bailey to W. Bailey, 38
Alonzo Riordan to Hiram Harris, 50
Hiram Skipton to Mother, 50
Madison R. Morse to Winslow Morse, 75
J. D. Wynn to R. A. Wynn, 75
Martin Schaeffer to M. Schaeffer, 52
Chaplain Fry to Mrs. N. G. Fry, 300
*Lieutenant E. Lindner to Mrs. Lindner, 425
James N. Patton to James Nesbitt, care of steam boat Albemarle or Eagle, 350
Lieutenant R. L. Nye to A. T. Nye, 525
William McGee to John Mills, 50
Lieut. Joseph Kelley to Henry Kelley, 300
Adam Meiser to Frank Meiser, 40
John Henry to Wife, 40
George McGee to John Mills, 40
Charles Turrill to wife and Moore, 40
William Bennett to David Merrill, 10
Gordon Bennett to William Bennett, 57
Simon Devore to Cynthia Devore, 40
*Major E. B. Andrews to Wife, 550
*Lieut. Colonel Clarke to Wife, 600
Ezra Chapman to Joseph Palmer, 60
James Haddow to Wife, 90
Lieutenant Tiffany – , 390
A. H. Alderman to Stephen Dunbar, 10
S. L. Grosvenor to Stephen Dunbar, 20
J. R. Alderman to Stephen Dunbar, 40
John Stewart to wife, 40
A. Wood to Mrs. Lucy Bell, 120

First Civil War Martyr

The Home News, January 18, 1862

The first martyr who has fallen on the field in the cause of his dear country from this county, was brought up on the Ohio No. 3 on Sunday morning. Albert Leonard, a son of Elder J. D. Leonard, of Matamoras, and a member of Capt. Neal’s company, 2d Virginia Cavalry, was killed on Tuesday of last week, in the pursuit of Humphrey Marshal’s flying rebels, near Paintsville, in Eastern Kentucky. He was in the advance and as he turned a curve in the road, was fired upon by concealed traitors. He was shot through the head and instantly killed – one other, a young man from Ironton, being also killed. Young Leonard’s remains were sent to his afflicted family on Monday, and returned, on Tuesday evening. An escort from the 63d regiment received the body at the wharfboat and conveyed it in an ambulance to the Baptist church. The funeral took place on Wednesday forenoon, and was attended by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances, by whom the brave young man was greatly esteemed. His body was buried with military honors.

Court of Common Pleas

The Home News, February 28, 1862

The Court of Common Pleas met on Monday and is still in session. There is little business of importance being transacted and the attendance is slim. Judge Welch presides over its deliberations with great dignity, tempering business with an occasional joke. Judge Nash is present; attending to some professional business under the same judge who was practicing at the bar last term under his dispensation. We dropped into the Court House the other day and found it rather dull. The few spectators looked sleepy; the case was uninteresting – something about cord wood, a scythe snath and a truck patch, and after hearing one lawyer’s opinion on the proper time to gather a crop of pickles, we left.

Indictments. – The Grand Jury have found bills in the name of the State of Ohio, against the following individuals for the various offenses stated below.

Chas. E. Frost and Harvey Fletcher, burglary; Wm. E. Carter, Petit Larceny; John Hawkins, breaking into the Mansion House with intent to commit personal violence; Michael Mack, et al, and Adam Miller, Assault and Battery; Josiah Henderson, keeping ferry without license; Robert Rogers, shooting with intent to kill and commit murder.

Licenses. – During the present term of court, licenses have been granted to P. O. Dodge to keep a ferry across the Muskingum River at Beverly; to John McCaddon and Joshua Craig to keep tavern at the same place for one year, and to Hervey Devol to keep ferry across the Muskingum at Adolphus Mason’s ferry, upper Lowell.

General Samuel R. Curtis

The Home News, February 28, 1862

Among the generals who are figuring conspicuously in suppressing the present slaveholder’s rebellion is Samuel R. Curtis, of Iowa. “Sam Curtis” was known in days long ago, as a civil engineer on the Marietta and Zanesville turnpike, and the earlier works on the Muskingum Improvement in 1839-40; also, on the old, exploded Lancaster turnpike, which many of our old citizens had doted on as the grand avenue of trade to interior Ohio; and have since laughed over as Sam Curtis’ engineering bubble. He and McCune once owned what is known as Mill Island, in Beverly.

Gen. Curtis was once the unsuccessful “rival” for the affections of a fair lady who lately resided in the Muskingum valley; who now says she always thought there was “a weal or woe for Sam,” and that she had often wished she had “taken him for weal.”

Removing to Keokuk, Iowa, his genius and energy soon brought him into public notice. He was at first employed as an engineer on the Desmoine river, under the auspices of Traxton Lyon, formerly of this county, and a very enterprising man. Afterward Gen. Curtis was employed in the same capacity, in the improvement of the Mississippi rapids. He acquired an enviable reputation as engineer. He was soon brought into political life, and was elected to Congress from the Keokuk District, and served with distinction.

The present war disclosed in him a military genius of high order. He was Colonel of an Iowa regiment, and has been promoted to Brigadier General of volunteers.

We make these notes on Gen. Curtis from feelings of pride for old Washington county, which has the honor of being the home of several distinguished generals and their “relatives.”

First Families

The Home News, March 7, 1862

It may not be generally known that Marietta probably contains more relatives of persons who have been famous in our past and present history than almost any other town of its size in the west. The descendants of Revolutionary officers are well represented here. We have families among us who can claim kindred with Gens. Washington, Ward, Putnam, Morgan, Cass, Ripley and Meigs, of bygone days, and Gens. Lane, Buell and Curtis, engaged in the present war. Gen. Buell’s mother, Mrs. Dunlevy, has long been a resident of this place. Dr. Hildreth’s Pioneer History has established the fact that almost all of our older citizens have a share of the honor of being descended from Pioneer stock. Marietta is largely represented in the present war in the way of Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Captains, Lieutenants, &c., but how many will distinguish themselves, as telegraphers say, “remains to be seen.” We hope, however, that a majority of them are destined to make their mark in history, and that old Marietta will hereafter be proud to claim them as her children.

We have a thorough republican contempt for the cant of “gentle blood,” “old stock,” “first families,” &c., and hold that the only first family on record is Adam’s. Our readers will, of course, understand that we have not mentioned the facts above through any spirit of toady-ism, and our people are too sensible to boast of them.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Plowing Match

The Home News, April 4, 1862

The annual Plowing Match of the "Home Agricultural Society" took place on the farm of J. J. Hollister, in Dunham township, on Friday, the 14th of March. The plowmen were divided into two classes of five each -- one of men an the other of boys. The awarding committee, consisting of James Goodno, Thomas Breckenridge and Neil Connolly, adjudged the premiums to the following persons:

Class of Boys
1. Daniel Shaw of Dunham.
2. Peter McKay of Barlow.
3. James Brown Jr. of Dunham.
4. James Reid of Belpre.
5. G. W. Sayers of Belpre.

Class of Men
1. John Drain of Belpre.
2. John Kelley of Dunham.
3. Robert Dunlap of Barlow.
4. Alexander McTaggart of Dunham.
5. I. W. Putnam of Belpre.

Considerable interest was manifested, and each person present seemed desirous of holding the plow handle. Secretary Needham informs us that the plowing will compare favorably with any in the county, and that the young plowmen of the occasion cannot be beaten by any of their years.

Court of Common Pleas

The Home News, May 30 1862

The Common Pleas Court closed the Spring term on Wednesday, Judge Johnson, on Monday, succeeded Judge Welch.

Lagrange and Taylor, indicted, for breaking into the grocery of Sinclair at Stanleyville, and stealing goods, were acquitted. A material witness had left the State. Thomas Carter, a "culled pusson," received marching orders for a three years residence in Columbus, for burglary and robbery. Robert Rogers, for stabbing Gerd Wendelken, was fined $5 and costs and sent to Winsor Castle for ten days. Mary Steed plead guilty to the charge of petit larceny and was sentenced to pay $5 and costs. The attempt to indict a spirited young lady in the lower end of the county for carrying concealed weapons failed. We hope Fannie will be a good girl hereafter, and not challenge the schoolmaster. The latter has gone to the war.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Ohio with Full Banks

The Home News, February 26, 1859

The Ohio river paid little attention to our very respectful request last week to keep within due bounds, but made a desperate effort to overleap itself, and as a consequence came near falling on the other side. It was O-high-o with her. The swell of waters kept on coming until Monday evening, when they were within a couple of feet of being as high as the corner of Front and Ohio streets. The low grounds along the banks of “Red River” were overflown, with a portion of Front street between the bridges and below Butler street. The water even forced an entrance in sundry cellars, and in a few cases into the lower floors of tenements, located in low places. The back water was still as a lake, and was covered with every description of water craft that could be made to float – from the beautiful skiff to a dry goods box – filled with joyous men and women, boys and girls – shouting, singing and enjoying themselves right merrily.

The total rise here was about 32 feet, making about 40 feet in the channel – higher than at any time since 1852. No damage of any consequence has been done; only a trifling expense incurred by unnecessary removal of perishable articles.

A portion of the elevated sidewalk in Greene street, opposite the Gas Works, was washed away. One old lady was considerably frightened by her skiff being drawn through the sluiceway thus caused; and made the air vocal with her screams. A reverend gentleman became submerged at the same point, and needed frying out. A young M.D. while breaking the Sabbath, got a considerable ducking near the same vicinity, as he deserved. We would suggest to the young disciple of Esculapius that in future he select a wider field in which to exhibit his floundering propensities. We believe several others got a sousing at this place.

Marietta Under Water

The Home News, April 21, 1860

The most extraordinary inundation with which Marietta has been visited since its settlement, came down upon us last week – extraordinary from its suddenness as well as from its apparent lack of cause; for all the rain that has fallen here from the beginning of April to the present time does not amount to 3 inches – a quantity altogether inadequate to make a rise of two feet in the Ohio.

On Monday morning, the 9th, the Muskingum began to swell; but nothing was thought of it. On Tuesday, both rivers rose rapidly, but as no rain had fallen here to justify a large rise, no danger was apprehended. On Wednesday morning the question was, not whether the water would come over the banks, but would it come into the stores and dwellings? The water rose all day at the rate of 8 or 9 inches an hour; and great was the rush of goods and chattels to the upper shelves and upper stories. Long before night no dry ground was left on the Point. Still higher came the aqueous element, and early in the evening it reached the floors of the stores and residences of that favored locality.

Thursday morning found it over three feet deep in our office, and still rising four inches an hour. At noon it slackened off to three inches and gradually lessened till Friday noon, when it came to a stand, the water being six feet and five inches in our store and office, nine to ten feet in the street in front of us, ten inches higher than the flood of April 22, 1852, and about three feet below the flood of February, 1832. Friday afternoon, the water commenced receding, and fell so rapidly that the “dry land” appeared on Sunday morning, and on Monday morning, both rivers had retired to their usual channels.

Saturday night was spent in following the retiring flood from our stores and dwellings with broom and brush, thus preventing an unwelcome deposit of an inch or two of the purest mud. This labor of necessity occupied most of Sunday, which appeared to be the busiest day of the week.

The Muskingum was the chief cause of our troubles; that river, above Lowell and Beverly, being from 9 to 15 inches higher than ever known before. It continued to rise sometime after the Ohio had come to a stand.

Damage. – Great stories are circulated outside of Marietta as to the fabulous damages sustained in the city by the inundation. If one-half the stories were true, we should be a used-up community. But fortunately this is not the case. Considering the rapidity of the unexpected overflow, the damage has been remarkably small. The lower bridge on Front street was slightly broken – the sidewalk on Greene street washed away about 40 feet, lamp posts bent over, and other slight damage done, to the amount probably of $300 or $400 in all. Messrs. Cram, Temple and Dana & Co. have lost several hundred dollars worth of lumber; and considerable loss accrued to the tanneries of Messrs. J. C. Fell, Dye & McCarty, and Stein & Johnson, by overflowing their vats, wetting their bark, &c. To the merchants and residents the loss will prove inconsiderable, aside from the suspension of business. Marietta is right side up yet, and will continue so to the end, and a pleasanter place to live in no one need search for.

Bridges. – About 150 feet of the tin and rafter roofing of the railroad bridge over the Muskingum was carried away by the violent storm of rain and hail, on Sunday night, the 8th.

Three bridges on the Plank Road were washed off by the late freshet. The lower Duck Creek bridge was removed about six feet down stream by the same high water.

J. Hutchinson had 1500 bushels of corn on Muskingum Island, damaged to the amount of $500 by the late overflow. The rich sediment left on the island will come near making up this loss.

The Muskingum Improvement has been damaged by the late flood to the extent of $10,000 to $15,000. At Winsor, the river washed out a new bed outside the lock, two hundred feet wide and twenty or thiry deep, carrying away two or three small houses. This chasm has to be filled up with brush, stone and earth. Mr. Haskin, the resident engineer, repaired promptly to the spot, and a large force was set to work. At Taylorsville, considerable damage was caused. We understand the repairs will be completed so that navigation can be resumed within twelve or fourteen days.

Outrageous. – That the captain of a steam boat should presume to navigate our rivers when the banks are overflowed half way up people’s houses, is an outrage that deserves the severest condemnation. During the highest stage of water, the steamboat Vulcan, with eight or ten coalboats in tow, passed up the Ohio, close to our shores, throwing great waves against the buildings, rocking them from their foundations, throwing down out houses and fences, and doing much damage to property. There is little doubt but the master or owners of this boat could be made to pay for the loss thus caused. The Emma Graham thoughtlessly paddled up the Muskingum on Wednesday, much to the annoyance of the people and damage to their property. The Graham knows better.

Photographs. – Hollister has taken a series of photographic views of Marietta in high water, for one of the eastern pictorials. They are very fine. Those of our citizens who desire copies of these memorials of wet times can procure them from Mr. H.

Curious Discovery

Mr. Editor: I doubt not many of our citizens, while searching their premises for their own as for lost treasure, will often come upon some things which “moving accidents by flood and field” have unceremoniously wrested from former owners and transferred to their own more favored locality. An incident of this kind has happened to me, which I think deserving of notice. While busily engaged in putting thins to rights about the premises, I stumbled on a nondescript machine-looking concern, and after cleaning and ileing the thing, discovered the smell of printer’s ink upon it. This aroused by suspicions, and having procured the services of the boy Bill, It was put in motion, when it promptly delivered itself of the following machine poetry:Hi-ar Wather Lyric
From the haunts of old Nokomis,
Gushing down Monongahela
Thundering down the Allegany,
Came the torrent wildly foaming,
Joined with Beaver and Kittanning,
Joined with Duck Creek, young Muskingum,
And a host of other like ones.
Big Muskingum now uniting,
All together rushing onward
Till –

Stop her, Bill; she’s got past Marietta now. Giver her a lick back and try a different meter:

The rain came down with a rushing din,
And washed Ohio to his chin;
Muskingum raised up in a ridge
Until his head did hit the bridge!

That’s better, Bill; but give us something more solemn and appropriate to the occasion:

I stand upon Muskingum’s brink,
And see “the last of earth,”
While swiftly floating down the drink,
Goes everything I’m worth.

I wish I staid on Harmar hill,
Or lived on one that’s higher!
I vow! To choose between two ills,
I’d sooner have a fire!

Times isn’t like they used to was,
When all the streets was dry;
The pretty girls float round on slabs,
Or stay up stairs and cry!

O, if a boat would come along,
I’d not stay here an hour,
My clothes are corked up in a jug –
I think there’ll be a shower.

I wish I had a load of slabs,
I’d make a little boat
And on the raging O-hi-o
I’d set myself afloat.

I’d go where Jennings makes his home,
Where people live in trees;
Their toes together grow in webs,
Just like they grow on geese!

If ever I come back again
To this submerged town,
I hope I’ll fall in Kissing Creek,
And stay there till I drown!

That’s feeling, Bill, very; but there is danger of its running into the lugubrious. Let’s have something more business like:

When I can sell my calicoes
To girls that do them prize,
I’ll bid farewell to brooms and hoes
And throw in hooks and eyes!

Let others talk against the town
And let them move away;
So I can make the year come round,
I rather think I’ll stay!

Stop her, Bill! She’s eating up my new hymn-book! Now put the masheen into the garret till we have to carry the goods up there again to keep it company.

The above, Mr. Editor, is “a true copy” of the effusions as they came from the machine. Bill, who did the turning, says in his opinion it’s “fust rate poetry,” and ought to be printed. I therefore take my pen in hand to write you these few lines, hoping they may find you in the enjoyment of the same opinion.

Yours till drown-ded,
Front Street. 

Major Haffield White - Obituary

American Friend, March 5, 1819

Died on the 13th of December last [1818], at Wooster, in the County of Washington, Ohio, Major Haffield White, at the advanced age of about 80 years.

In noticing the death of this veteran and valuable man, it may be proper to refer to particulars of his life and services, which remain only in the memories of those who must soon follow him to the silent grave.

The excitement to virtuous actions and hazardous deeds in the service of our country, is greatly enhanced by a remembrance and acknowledgement of them after death. It is the anticipated reward of the hero in the day of battle, and of the patriot in his struggles in dark and perilous times.

Major White engaged in the service of his country in early life; he served several years in the war of 1755. At the commencement of the Revolution he was found at the battle of Lexington and Bunker Hill. In 1776 the Regiment in which he was a very active and efficient officer, received the thanks of our beloved Washington for their active and useful services in conveying the American army across the Delaware river, prior to the battle of Trenton and Princeton; in which also Maj. White participated. In 1777 he commanded a company in the Massachusetts’ line of the army, and was detached with that part of it to whom we are principally indebted for the capture of Burgoyn. In this service, before our forces were concentrated, he lost by capture, a considerable sum of money which he had then recently received as Paymaster of the regiment. This sum has never been refunded to him by his country, and has rendered bitter many of the struggles which in the latter part of his life he was doomed to encounter.

He was engaged in most of the sanguinary conflicts which preceded the convention of Saratoga.

In 1778 or 1779 he was taken into the Commissary’s department, where his activity and energy were of great use. He thus spent the prime of his life in the most dangerous and useful services, beginning in the very commencement of the revolution and continuing in the service until the close of war, and was one who witnessed the affectionate farewell of the Commander in Chief when he took leave of his dear associates in arms; by whom our liberty and independence were achieved.

Soon after the close of the war he associated with a number of veterans, who had become poor, having realized nothing for their services, but a depreciated paper, worth but 12-1/2 per cent.

They joined in a company, called the Ohio Company, with intent to purchase lands with their little pittance, in the Western Country and to secure a home in old age. A purchase was made in the year 1787, and in the same year he, in conjunction with Gen. Putnam, Col. Sproat, and others, was selected to lead forth a company who in the Spring of 1788 effected the first settlement in the now State of Ohio, at Marietta.

His services and usefulness will be long remembered by all those who embarked at that perilous period in so arduous an enterprise. It is to be regretted that he could not have lived long enough to have received the munificent offer which his country have made to those surviving veterans. He made early application but had received nothing. We must lament that he grew old in useful services and did not live to receive the remuneration he deserved. But it is to be hoped that he will yet receive as a reward, the benediction of “well done thou good and faithful servant.”

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ninety Revolutionary War Soldiers Lie In Cemeteries Within Washington County

[From an unidentified, undated newspaper clipping. Some errors are evident.]

There are 90 Revolutionary war soldiers buried in Washington county according to records of Marietta Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. There may be and probably are other Revolutionary soldiers buried in the county, but after many years of painstaking research, the chapter has been unable to learn of them. All the graves that are known are marked with a Revolutionary marker. It is said that there are more Revolutionary war officers in Mound cemetery than in any other cemetery in the country.

General Rufus Putnam is buried in Mound cemetery and his name is one on the gate way.

Colonel Israel Putnam lies in Putnam lot in Belpre cemetery.

Col. Ebenezer Sproat, first Sheriff in the Northwest territory is in Mound cemetery.

Commodore Abraham Whipple, who was the first to fly the American flag on the Thames, is in Mound cemetery.

Col. Ebenezer Battelle is in Newport.

Major Robert Bradford, in the Ohio Company’s burying ground at Belpre.

John Brown, who was in the battle of Bunker Hill, is buried on the Schantz farm three miles above Lowell.

Christopher Burlingame, who was in Washington’s army at the crossing of the Delaware is in Harmar cemetery.

Silas Bent is in Belpre cemetery.

John Cole, descendant of the first owner of Plymouth Rock, is in Gravel Bank cemetery.

Major Asa Coburn is buried in the neighborhood of Wolf Creek Mills.

Heman Chapman is in Hoagland cemetery, Barlow township.

Eleazer Curtis is in Newbury cemetery.

Col. Nathaniel Cushing, the original proprietor of Lot 27, the site of Farmers’ Castle, is buried at Belpre.

Capt. William Dana, of Bunker Hill fame, is in the Ohio Company’s burying ground at Belpre.

Capt. Daniel Davis, died at Beverly, and his grave is unknown.

Simeon Deming is buried on what was his farm two and a half miles east of Waterford.

Jonathan Devol, who built the Mayflower, is buried in Putnam cemetery.

Thomas Dickerson is buried at New Matamoras.

Jonathan Dunham, son of the first preacher at Martha’s Vineyard is buried in Dunham township.

Nathaniel Dodge is in Mound cemetery.

Col. Daniel Fisher is in Belpre cemetery.

Sherebiah Fletcher is in Belpre cemetery.

Capt. William Ford is buried in Waterman’s graveyard near Waterford.

Ephraim Foster, who marched to Quebec with Arnold, and who fought at Brandywine, is in Mound cemetery.

Peregrine Foster, who had the first franchise for a ferry at Belpre, is in Belpre cemetery.

Henry Franks, ancestor of Misses Katherine and Rebekah Nye, is buried in Grandview township.

Benoni Goldsmith, one of the first settlers in Fearing township, is buried on the Spindler farm near Caywood.

Major Nathan Goodale, one of the minute men of the Revolution died at Belpre, and his grave is unknown.

William Gray, on whose wagon was inscribed, “For Ohio,” is buried in Waterford cemetery.

Duty Green is in a cemetery between Barlow and Waterford.

Griffin Greene is in Mound cemetery.

John Green is in Mound cemetery.

Jeremiah Greenway is buried in a small cemetery about 3-1/2 miles from Waterford.

Major Jonathan Haskell is in Belpre cemetery.

Captain Ira Hill is in Mt. Ephraim cemetery near Lower Salem.

William Hovey is in Mt. Ephraim cemetery.

Peter Howe is in Deming cemetery near Watertown.

Matthew Kerr, first resident of Kerr’s island, at Marietta, was killed by Indians at the mouth of Duck Creek, and his grave is unknown.

Capt. Zebulon King, lies in Belpre cemetery.

James Knowles is buried at Newbury.

Nathaniel Kidd is buried at Stanleyville.

John Leavens is buried on the Ohio river bank near Newbury.

Joseph Lincoln is in Mound cemetery.

Captain Nathaniel Little is in Newport cemetery.

Daniel Loring in Belpre cemetery.

Andrew McCallister in Mound cemetery.

Henry Middleswart is in an old cemetery at Lower Newport.

Capt. Josiah Munro in Mound cemetery.

Capt. Benjamin Miles at Belpre.

Elias Newton, in Harmar cemetery.

Ichabod Nye, in Mound cemetery.

Col. Robert Oliver is buried near Waterford.

Alexander Oliver is buried at Belpre.

Maj. Samuel H. Parsons, one of the first judges of the Supreme Court of the Northwest territory was drowned, and his body not recovered.

Capt. Stanton Prentiss, a wagon master and later Captain in LaFayette’s army, is in Mound cemetery.

Nathaniel Rice is buried in Rainbow cemetery.

Oliver Rice is in Belpre cemetery.

Captain Joseph Rogers is in Mound cemetery.

Peter Shaw is in Round Bottom cemetery.

Benjamin Shaw is in Round Bottom cemetery.

Capt. Nathaniel Saltonstall is in Mound cemetery.

Capt. Enoch Shepherd is in Mound cemetery.

Abel Sherman is in Round Bottom cemetery.

Joseph Simons is buried near Lowell.

Noah Sparhawk is in Belpre cemetery.

Major Joshua Sprague is in Sprague family cemetery in Adams township.

Col. William Stacy is in Mound cemetery.

Thomas Stanley is in Stanleyville cemetery.

Israel Stone is in Rainbow cemetery.

Captain Jonathan Stone, who commanded a company in Shay’s Rebellion is buried in the Stone lot in Belpre cemetery.

Richard Talbot is in Carson’s cemetery, Grandview township.

Col. Robert Taylor is in Mound cemetery.

Ephraim Trew is in Mt. Ephraim cemetery.

Jabez True is in Mound cemetery.

Anselm Tupper is in Mound cemetery.

General Benjamin Tupper was buried in northeast block house, Campus Martius and later in Mound cemetery.

General James Varnum is in Oak Grove cemetery.

Major Haffield White is in Cedar Ridge cemetery.

Oliver Woodward is in Yankeeburg cemetery.

Michael Devin is buried on the Beckett farm near Waterford, the farm now owned by former sheriff Elmer Roberts.

Allen Putnam is buried in Fearing township.

James Owen on a farm opposite Lowell.

General James Lawrence Plover, in Harmar cemetery.

Richard Doane, near Mt. Ephraim cemetery.

Josiah Hart died in Lowell and his grave is unknown.

Sala Bosworth’s grave is unknown in a Marietta cemetery

Epidemic of 1822-23

Marietta Register, February 26, 1864

Interesting Letter from Rev. Cornelius Springer on the Epidemic of 1822-3 – Reminiscences – Personal Items.

Editor Register: Some friend has forwarded to me, through the post office, your paper of the 15th of January. It contains interesting facts in relation to the epidemic of 1822 and ’23, in your town. Though upwards of forty years have passed, since that afflicting dispensation, its events still rest impressively upon my mind; and your allusion to the subject has caused me to wake up to them with renewed interest.

My acquaintance with your county commenced in 1817, when Rev. T. A. Morris, since Bishop, and myself rode what was then called Marietta Circuit, which included all the country from Newport to Athens. I was then absent, on other fields of labor, until the Fall of 1821, when I was stationed in your town, and remained there until the Fall of 1823. So that I was in your place during the two epidemic seasons.

I do not remember the precise date of my removal to Marietta – probably about the 20th September – but I do remember that the town was then enjoying usual good health. But some five miles down the Ohio, that fall (1821), the epidemic was quite fatal. If my memory serves me, I attended some five funerals in an Adams’ family, who were visited with great mortality.

In the usual style of epidemics, the disease seemed to travel, and from this point its direction was up the Ohio; but it did not reach Harmar until the middle of the following August. Judge Fearing, being the lowest resident, was first attacked, and he and his wife both died. The widow M’Clintick being near the Judge was the next victim. The disease traveled slowly until it passed over Harmar. All this time Marietta was enjoying usual health. But the middle, or latter part of September, it passed over to that town, and began to spread desolation on the lower bottom. Meanwhile, on the high grounds, in the rear and the elevated situation of the people flattered them to believe they would be exempt from the calamity. But the latter part of October they had to take their turn of the fatal visitor.

Some time in September of this year (1822), the Ohio Annual Conference of the M. E. Church was held in Marietta. During the latter part of the session the disease spread with such rapidity, through the town, that if the Conference had not got through its business, as it did, it could not possibly have been entertained three days longer.

As to the “sickness being no worse in Marietta, than elsewhere,” as the “Friend” argues, that is, in my judgment, a great mistake. I have lived in the Muskingum valley since 1806, and have traveled extensively through the West. And while the above epidemic was in progress visited Zanesville, Lancaster, Circleville, Chillicothe, Urbana, &c., and I have never come to the knowledge of any afflictive dispensation, that, in point of severity, compares with the Marietta visitation. Out of a population of 1600 inhabitants – I do not remember whether it covered the Town or Township – there were only two persons known to have escaped the epidemic, Judge Wood, of Marietta, and a Mr. Putnam, of Harmar. Every other citizen, sooner or later, had a more or less severe attack of the disease. I attended the funeral of Judge Fearing, and his wife who died within six hours of each other; of John Clarke and his wife who died and were buried together; above Marietta, on the Va. side, the two Misses Wells, sisters, interesting young ladies, who quit life together, and were buried in the same grave. Since then I have been attending funerals for forty years; have lived in several districts where Asiatic Cholera committed his depredations, yet, in all that time I have not come to the knowledge of a single incident that compares with either of the above cases.

As to the lowness of the river, in 1822, having its bars and its beaches, and spreading its miasma upon the winds, being the cause of this fever, it is in my judgment, also a mistake. If this were the cause why was not Marietta visited as soon as Harmar? It lies lower, and is more exposed to the river air. What, then, was the cause of its visiting the Township below, with such fatality, the fall before (1821). As though Providence intended to sport with this argument, He sent a profusion of rain and high water, the next year, 1823; but the disease was more extensive, and perhaps equally fatal. But, in this case, the cause is assigned to the marsh affluvia arising from the low grounds, and the stagnant pools. But, yet, there have been since just as dry seasons, and wet seasons, as these were, but no epidemic attended them. And like causes should always produce like effects.

The truth is, these bilious epidemics are incomprehensible, both in their origin and movements. Like Asiatic Cholera the more you study their facts, the more they are involved in mystery. They appear to be special instruments of Providence, by which He adapts himself to the moral condition of the country, like the parent to his children, administering correction, as their moral or religious welfare requires. Says Job: “Afflictions come not forth of the dust.” And Amos: “Shall there be evil in a city and the Lord hath not done it?” not moral but natural “evil”; not sin but sickness. The fact is, this epidemic penetrated regions where the malaria from the river bottoms, and stagnant pools, never reached. It visited the high as well as the low lands. To quote the language of that day, it “chastised the robust inhabitants of the Allegheny mountains, as well as those that lived on the great water courses, or in marsh effluvia districts.”

The funeral of Judge Fearing was very numerously attended. He and his wife being the first victims of the epidemic, yet the town and country in usual health, and dying as they did together, produced considerable excitement; and the people turned out in crowds. He was an old citizen, and had been the particular friend of the emigrants; while others were ready to take advantage of their ignorance of the value of property, he sought them out and advised with them, and often lent them material aid. I was told there were many families, in that country, who had comfortable homes that, without the Judge’s advice and assistance, would, in all probability, have remained houseless. These acts made the Judge many warm friends. I enumerated these facts at his funeral; at the close, a man by the name of Brown, who lived a few miles out on the Athens’ road, and who had been a subject of the Judge’s kindness, came to me, with tears in his eyes, and returned me his most hearty thanks for the justice I had done his friend.

The second year my wife was attacked, and her fever ran 24 days. At this period there were so many down, there were not well enough to take care of the sick. Col. Barker, Mr. Devol and many others, in the country, sent in their daughters to aid in nursing the afflicted, and she, who is now Mrs. Gage, then a young girl, rendered important services in my family. Dr. Hildreth attended Mrs. S. with great punctuality, through her protracted illness; and would take nothing for his services. And when I insisted on his accepting at least part of a bill; “not anything,” was his reply, “I am disposed to do something for the Gospel, and I can do it in this way as easy as any other.” And to relieve my delicacies, the next day, after I had left home, he sent up, to the parsonage, a load of wood and a quarter of beef.

Although my lot was cast among the people of Marietta, in a time of severe affliction, yet, it is a very pleasant reminiscence when I call to recollection the many acts of kindness, and the confidence with which they favored me. I am not a New Englander by birth, but a descendant of the Swedes on the Delaware. And my birth and baptism stand recorded in the books of the old Swedish church, at Wilmington, which was erected in 1698, and which is, perhaps, the oldest church standing in America. And although I have found congenial spirits among every kindred and from every clime, yet there is no people that I have, in my ministerial life, felt more generally at home with than the Yankees. And this was particularly so at Marietta.

In olden times there was very great prejudice in that community against the Methodists. And this feeling had considerable strength when I first came among them. But Capt. Buell, Mrs. Bennett and son, several of Col. Barker’s family, Miss Devol, the two Misses Leonard and many others became members. These additions connected the Methodist Church with some of the principal families of the county, and it was delightful to see how fast the prejudices began to run down. The saying became very current, “it makes no difference what church we belong to, so we only have the spirit of the Gospel.”

As per the limitation law, of the church, my two years was out in September, 1823. I left in that month for the Conference in Urbana, and was the following year stationed in Chillicothe. I had no attack of the fever, until after I left Marietta. But during the fall and winter I had several. And my system appeared to be so charged with malaria, from the infected district, that I did not get over the effects for several years.

Very respectfully yours, &c.
C. Springer

Manufactures in Marietta

Marietta Intelligencer, February 14, 1850

We see on every hand unmistakable evidence that a feeling has been awakened among nearly all classes of our citizens in favor of building up manufacturing establishments in Marietta. Those who have long felt an interest in the matter, but from various causes have “held back,” are now taking hold if the business, in one department and another, in good earnest, and those who a few years ago regarded such projects with indifference, or opposed them, have become satisfied, from the success of the experiments in the shoe business, and other branches of manufacturing, that the selling of dry goods is not the only kind of business at which men can make a living in Marietta. They see that the sale of goods, which was almost the sole business here for some years, does not give employment to so many persons as now derive their support in making up leather – a business that has grown up within eight years. And does any one suppose that, if merchandizing had continued to be the principal business of the place, our masons and carpenters would have found as constant employment as has been offered them for a year or two past? Would real estate have increased in value, and rents have advanced 50 to 100 per cent within three or four years, if the number of laborers had not been increased by commencing here the manufacture of articles formerly made abroad? Not at all. Every man can see that an entirely new impulse has been given to the prosperity of the place, by the success of experiments in manufacturing that were considered visionary. But, as usual when we get on to this hobby of town manufactures, we are forgetting the purpose with which we commenced this article – which was to speak of some of the new establishments that will commence operations this year.

First, the Woolen Factory is certainly to be built. We understand that differences of opinion among the stockholders as to the most eligible location, at one time threatened to “blow up” this company. But those differences have been happily reconciled by selecting a site which is perhaps better than either of those first contemplated. The property of Mr. Preston, near the mouth of the Muskingum has been purchased, and contracts made for the erection of a building 100 feet in length by 45 in width. The machinery will soon be under way, and it is hoped will be in operation in the course of the season. So the “Marietta Woolen Factory” may be considered a “fixed fact” – about which we shall have more to say hereafter.

The Steam Leather Manufactory, formerly owned by Mr. Thomas Vinton, but which has not been in operation for ten or twelve years, was last season purchased by Messrs. W. L. Rolston, N. L. Wilson, D. C. Skinner, and W. S. Nye, who are making additions to it, and will have it in complete operation in the course of two or three months. This will give employment to a good many men – will make a good market for hides, and tan bark, and will supply our numerous shoe establishments with a part of their stock. Why may not the many thousands of dollars annually sent from Marietta for the purchase of leather be paid out to laborers here, instead of sending our wheat and pork and beans away from home to pay for labor performed elsewhere?

Planing Machine and Sash Factory. Messrs R. P. Robinson, J. O. Cram, J. E. Hall, G. H. Richards, and O. Franks, have bought property near the old brick church on Third street, and expect to have machinery for planing, and for making sash, in operation early in May. We do not know the number of men they will employ, but we know that the employees of the concern will not be the only men benefited by it. Every man who has a house to build will reap some advantage from the establishment of this factory.

Cooperage. Slack barrels are now manufactured here by the excellent machinery of Messrs. Cram. A new, different, and more extensive establishment will soon be put in operation by Mr. A. B. Waters. It is for the manufacture of tight barrels, and the machinery is considered the best in use in the country. We know nothing of its operation, but some idea of its capacity to turn out work may be given by stating that the machine Mr. Waters has contracted for will work six millions of staves per annum. Probably it may not, at first, be worked to its utmost capacity, but whenever it is, employment will be given in the concern to from 100 to 125 men. The engine for running the machine has been bought, is now ready to put up, and will probably be running before another winter comes.

These are some of the more important establishment certainly to be put in operation here during the present year.

The favor with which the project for building a Cotton Factory is received by those who have reflected upon the subject, inclines us to the belief that we may soon make an important addition to the above list. It is believed that money invested in a Cotton Factory will pay the stockholders heavier dividends than stock in a Woolen Factory, tho’ we believe the latter will be of more general interest to the community, and has wisely been first commenced. It is said that a man who has had much experience in the business, and has always been successful, can now be obtained at a fair price to take charge of the erection of a building and the purchase of machinery, and that he will himself take stock. Such an opportunity of securing the services of a practical, experienced man, ought not to be neglected by the friends of the project. Now is the time to move in the matter.

Hand in hand with these local improvements should be prosecuted enterprises of equal importance to the town, and of vital interest to the agriculturists, who are to furnish the laborers here with food. Better roads must be built. At present half the farmers in this county are more than 50 miles from market. It actually costs many who live within 20 miles of Marietta more to get their produce to town than it would to bring it 50 miles if we had good roads. And they are not the only – though perhaps they are the most severe—sufferers. What merchant has not made a long face and drawn a heavy sigh, every day in the week, for two months past as he looked over his sales book? Goods plenty and “cheap for cash or produce” have laid undisturbed upon the shelves, because the produce could not be brought there, and men with cash could not come with it over such roads as we have – and will have, until plank roads are built. Improved roads are of vital public interest, and unless they are soon made in this county, every private enterprise will suffer and languish. Simultaneously with the improvement of roads, another enterprise should be undertaken, to wit: The erection of a Wire Suspension Bridge across the Muskingum. This is a work that will alike promote the prosperity of the two towns, and make them really one, as they now are in sympathy and interest.