what is being done in and near the city, it might be well to note the
rapid strides the new addition known as Rathbone Heights is making at
the upper end of Third Street.
recall the fact that only a few weeks ago this new addition was a dairy
farm and since that time it has been surveyed into desirable residence
lots with large frontages, some of which are 80 and 90 feet with great
depths, being a great place for a good garden and to raise chickens.
observer notes the fact that a beautiful drive, known as Sunset Drive,
is almost completed from the paved street on Muskingum Drive to the top
of the hill, being 40 feet wide and a good grade.
new bungalow houses have been contracted for and one is now nearing
completion, which is attracting considerable attention. Numerous sales
have been made during the past week to residents of the city, who are
particularly fond of sunshine and plenty of room and fresh air.
writer knows of no more beautiful addition, considering the location,
its nearness to the city, street cars and paved streets, than Rathbone
Heights Addition, and predicts for it within the next six months many
attractive homes with green lawns and contented families with the ring
of the carpenters' tools still there in their ears.
Rathbone Heights Sales Continuing
Marietta Daily Times, February 18, 1914:
Charles Bertram of Scammel Street has purchased of Doan & Mann a
fine lot in this new addition out of high water, and will at once
commence the erection of a fine home. The plans for this beautiful
structure are now in the hands of the architect and the contract will be
awarded at an early date. Charley says: "Rathbone Heights for him," it
being out of the water.
John W. Holliday of Parkersburg, W. Va., has also purchased lot 34 of
this addition and will commence the erection of a bungalow this spring.
Mr. Holliday has been paying $30 per month rent for the past several
years, and the liberal terms offered by Doan & Mann in securing one
of these fine lots and the possibilities of getting a home of his own,
appealed very strong to Mr. Holliday and family.
32 has been sold to a prominent lady of the city, who wishes her name
withheld from the public and who now is perfecting plans for the
erection of a bungalow the coming spring.
the young man or young woman who is desirous of buying something in the
form of an investment, or securing a home, and on the easy terms
offered, Rathbone Heights lots should appeal to them.