Marietta Intelligencer, September 30, 1847
The undersigned offers for sale many eligible Town Lots with Dwelling Houses, worthy the attention of those who desire a residence in Marietta, among which are the following:
Ward's Brick Block - being four distinct two-story dwellings on Second Street, above Scammel - built in modern style, with out-houses convenient; excellent well water and cisterns to each.
Also, the Darrow House and Lot, corner of Putnam and 5th streets. A large and commodious two-story Frame House, near the College - very suitable for a Boarding House - good well and soft water on the premises.
Also, the Johnson House and lot, on Fifth, above Wooster Street, nearly opposite Major Clark's - a large and roomy two-story frame, pleasantly situated, with a good-sized Barn.
Also, a small Frame House and Barn, and lot No. 419, on 7th below Washington Street.
Also, a small Frame House, and lot No. 321, Washington Street.
Also, Frame House and Lot No. 322, Washington Street - a very desirable residence.
Also, a large two-story Frame House and lot No. 133, near Vinton's Tannery.
Also, a large modern built, two-story Frame House and lot, being the northern part of lot No. 501; Second below Wooster Street; now occupied by Mr. Kelley.
Also, the Kelley House and lot, No. 514; Second below Wooster Street; a very neat and comfortable residence.
Also, the Gidley House and lot; a two-story frame near the Foundry, Harmar - good cellar, cistern and barn.
Also, the McCoy House and lot, 40 feet by 33, on town lot No. 9, Harmar - a two-story Frame, fronting on the common.
Also, the Skinner Mansion House and lot, No. 6, large and commodious, recently fully repaired, fronting on the river - is one of the most desirable residnces in Harmar.
The foregoing property will be sold low. Terms liberal. Title undisputed.
Nahum Ward