Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Lovell Buys Cram Home

The Marietta Daily Times, June 21, 1919

One of the biggest real estate deals ever consummated in Marietta was closed Saturday morning when W. J. Cram disposed of the fine residence property, "Hemlock on the Muskingum," to J. A. Lovell.

The consideration, although not made public, is understood to have been $32,000.

The property, which consists of about 24 acres, has two fine dwellings on it, and is one of the most beautiful and magnificent in the Muskingum valley. After making some improvements and additions, Mr. Lovell and family will occupy the residence about the first of September. Mr. Cram and family have made their home in one of the residences while Miss Grace Cram occupied the other.

Mr. Cram, who had owned the Muskingum River property for 21 years, on Thursday purchased from the Marietta City Board of Education, the old Franks property on Second Street. He will begin at once to improve this property, but will retain the colonial style of architecture.

The sale was made by the Flanders Bros. Real Estate Agency.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

May Sell Boat House

The Marietta Daily Times, March 25, 1918

Residents of Marietta will probably get their last look at the old boat house in the Ohio River during the next few days. A deal is now on between Messrs. Morton Harper and Henry Best for the sale of the craft to some Parkersburg parties. It is expected to be put through on Tuesday.

The regular wharf boat arrived from the docks at Point Pleasant on Sunday morning. All merchandise was transferred from the boat house and the Marietta wharf had its first business transacted when the steamer Reuben Dunbar docked on Sunday morning.

The boat house will be converted into a club house by the Parkersburg parties. It was recently purchased by Messrs. Best and Harper for use while the wharf boat was being repaired.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Silver Grays Prepare For Any Service

The Marietta Daily Times, May 14, 1917

Organization of the Marietta Silver Grays, a company of Civil War veterans and other men of mature years who have enrolled for a military company, is proceeding apace. The organization has offered its services to President Wilson and Governor Cox and the latter has been asked to properly equip and uniform the Grays.

Below is a list of veterans who have enrolled in the new company, with the regiments in which they served in the Civil War and their ages, as well as the pledge of military service they have taken.

List of Veterans

We the undersigned Civil War veterans agree to form a military organization to be known as "The Marietta Silver Grays" and adopt rules and regulations for the proper government of such organization, elect officers and tender our services to the Governor of Ohio and to the President of the United States, to serve in any military service that they may see fit to call on us to perform, and request the Governor to properly equip and uniform the members of said organization. Said term to serve to be for one year or during the war with Germany.

Benjamin Bragg, 1st Lieut., Co. B, O.V.V.I; 76.
L. J. Cutter, Co. B, 77th O.V.V.I; 72.
John B. Erwin, Co. G and Co. I, 83 Indiana V.V.I; 78.
W. H. Styer, H Battery 1st Ohio Vol. Artillery; 73.
Daniel Espensheat, Co. B, 9th Ohio Vol. Cavalry; 74.
James Hyler, Co. H, 25th Ohio Vol. Infantry; 74.
L. P. Judd, Co. H, 36th O.V.I.; 79.
A. D. Kemp, Co. G, 36th O.V.I.; 76.
Capt. J. G. Barker, Co. A, 36th O.V.I.; 82.
Jerry Swain, Co. H, 116th O.V.I.; 72.
Isaac Ward, Co. H and J, 77th O.V.I.; 74.
W. W. Mickle, Co. I, 116th O.V.I.; 73.
Charles A. Miller, Co. H, 7th Ohio Vol. Cavalry; 75.
John Newton Riley, Co. H, 7th Ohio Cavalry; 74.
Jack Kinsman, Co. D, 78th Illinois Vol. Infantry; 70.
J. W. Taylor, Co. C, 18th O.V.I.; 70.
W. W. Savage, Co. F, 4th Virginia Vol. Infantry; 73.
Converse Flanders, Co. K, 148th O.V.I.
M. F. Gilman, Co. K, 42 Mass. Vol. Infantry; 72.
Samuel King, Co. I, 5th Ohio Vol. Cavalry; 69.
Wellington Brabham, Co. H, 1st Ohio Vol. Cav.; 72.
John S. Beach, Co. C, 2nd U. S. Infantry; 72.
Minor M. Dye, Co. K, 175th O.V.I.
Amor Wright, Co. F, 2nd W. Va. Cavalry.
Charles Newton, Co. K, 2nd Ohio Heavy Artillery; 75.
William W. Hanna, Co. F, 36th O.V.I.; 76.
Edward Miller, Co. C, 2nd O.V.I.; 77.
James A. Gilchrist, 138 Pennsylvania Signal Corps; 75.
James Dilley, Co. G, 10th O.V.I.; 84.
C. W. Kaneff, 7th Ohio Cavalry; 5.
Theobald Wagner, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery; 78.
G. W. Harvey, Co. C, 36th Ohio Veteran Vol. Infantry; 76.
W. H. Thorniley, 77th Ohio Veteran Vol. Infantry; 75.
George W. Bonnell, Co. I, 179th Ohio Veteran Vol Infantry; 75.
J. J. Hollister; 66.
H. L. Sibley, Co. B, 116th O.V.I.; 81.
S. L. Grosvenor, Co. B, 36th O.V.I.

Recruits Sign Up

We, the undersigned citizens of Marietta, Ohio, Washington County, sixty-five years of age and over, agree to join the organization known as "The Marietta Silver Grays" and do any military duty allotted to them and be a part of the organization. Term of service to be for one year or during the war with Germany. We further agree to assist in the election of officers and obey all orders and summons from the Governor of Ohio or the President of the United States and the officers of the organization.

D. B. Torpy, merchant and banker; 71.
Jacob Gephart, shoe merchant; 76.
John H. Riley, lawyer; 66.
C. R. Stevens, organ maker; 69.
R. B. Davis, painter; 66.
Arnold Neader, shoe maker; 66.
R. N. Cole, farmer; 77.
J. H. McGregor, farmer; 66.
I. E. McVey, ex-city clerk; 67.
W. H. Leeper, lawyer; 67.
A. L. Smith, lawyer; 67.
Charles H. Turner, merchant; 72.

The Marietta Daily Times, May 17, 1917:

Confederate Veteran Joins Silver Grays

Lieutenant Benjamin Bragg, though his sight is almost gone, has been hustling about town and has secured 28 new recruits for The Marietta Silver Grays. This brings the list up to 77. Among the Civil War Veterans he has secured Albert N. Dyar, of Co. E., 66th Georgia C. W. A., 83 years of age, thus proving again that this is a united people. The new recruiting list is as follows:


Theodore F. Davis, 83 Indiana Vol. Infantry; 72.
Major Jewett Palmer, Major 36th Ohio Infantry; 77.
J. N. Hill, Co. I, 36th O.V.I.; 74.
M. Pitts, Co. H, First Cavalry; 68.
F. A. Young, Co. F, 89th O.V.I.; 70.
James W. Swords, Co. A, 36th O.V.I.; 74.
Ezra Mankins, Co. K, 148th OV.I.; 75.
R. L. Curtis, 2nd W. Va. Cavalry; 81.
T. J. Mellor, Co. A, 148th OV.I.; 81.
R. M. Fisby, Co. H, 122 O.V.I. & Cav., 129 O.V.I.; 75.
Adam Landsittle, Co. K, 18th O.V.I.; 79.
Henry Schockley, Co. A, 36th O.V.I.
Charles Bell, Co. D, 9th Ohio Vol. Cavalry; 73.
Henry Bacher, Co. F, 39th OV.I.; 78.
Frederick Schlicher, Co. D, 77th O.V.I.; 76.
L. McCammon, Co. K, 148th O.V.I.; 77.
John R. Sheets, Co. F, 77th Ohio Veteran Vol. Inf.; 71
James F. Briggs, Co. D, 174th O.V.I.; 77.
Albert N. Dyar, Co. E, 66th Georgia, C.S.A.; 83.
William O. Hale, Co. C, 36th O.V.I.; 69.
J. H. McGill, Co. H, 6th W. Va. Cavalry; 72.
Charles Coffman, Co. K, 148th O.V.I.; 79.
B. D. Reppert, First Virginia Light Artillery; 77.
Capt. B. B. Stone, Co. D, 92nd O.V.I., 75.


John Bennet, Marietta, 67.
J. B. West, Marietta, 75.
John Haas, Marietta, 65.
John S. Ritter, Marietta, 80.

The Marietta Daily Times, May 28, 1917:

Plan Great Patriotic Celebration

The Marietta Silver Grays are going to be the guests of honor at a mammoth patriotic celebration to be held Sunday afternoon, June 3rd, at 2:00 P.M. A great program is being planned by the local committee. This committee was asked by the leaders of the Silver Grays to assist the in planning an organization meeting for their company. Preliminary plans were so spontaneously received by the citizens that it was decided to make the meeting a community celebration honoring in a big way these living Veterans who did their "bit" in '61.

Some surprises are in store, but the committee announces today that Chaplain George E. T. Stevenson of the United States Navy will make the opening prayer and that the Venerable J. H. Dodshon, Archdeacon of Ohio, will pronounce the benediction. Rev. C. C. Creegan will be chairman. H. C. Bayliss will eulogize the Silver Grays, and Rev. E. A. Coil and the Hon. A. D. Follett will make patriotic addresses.

Company "B" of the National Guard will attend in a body as will doubtless all the affiliated patriotic organizations, all of which have been invited.

High officers in the Army and Navy have consented to attend and all local and county officials connected with present war plans have been invited to seats of honor on the platform.

Beautiful programs have been printed as souvenirs of the occasion.

Coming as it does just before the Registration Day, this occasion will go down in history as the greatest patriotic meeting ever held in Southeastern Ohio.

The Marietta Daily Times, June 1, 1917:

Use Historic Table

An old pine table, which was used at Camp Tupper in 1861 to write up recruits for Civil War, is being used by Company B in their sub-station to recruit men to bring the company up to war strength.

This table was formerly owned by Lieut. Ben Bragg, and he presented it to the G.A.R. The G.A.R. loaned it to Company B for recruiting purposes.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

German National Bank Buys Eight Story Skyscraper

 The Register-Leader, April 10, 1916

Takes Over Building at the Corner Second and Putnam Which it Occupies

On Saturday, April 8th, a deed from The German Bank Co., an Ohio corporation, which owned the eight story fireproof, concrete steel building at the corner of Second and Putnam streets, was filed for transfer, conveying the lot and building to the German National Bank.

This building was erected in 1906 and was then considered to be quite a little in advance of the needs of the city for office buildings.

The construction, as will be remembered, was carried out by Dickison and Beardsley, under supervision of W. T. mills, architect, of Columbus, Ohio. As a striking example of the growth and progress of the city, it can now be said that this building is full occupied.

The building is equipped with two independent elevators, one of which is on direct current, and the other on alternating current, insuring continuous elevator service.

The fire-proof feature is a very attractive one to occupants, as solid concrete floors make each story independent of others, and a solid fire wall protects everything from adjoining property on the east, and streets and alleys adjoin the building on the other three sides, making all rooms "outside" rooms.

Word has just been received by the officials of the bank that the new equipment and furniture for the extension of the public lobby in the banking room and addition of six windows for the transaction of business, will be shipped April 26. This equipment will double the lobby space of the bank and give an entrance on Second Street as well as Putnam Street, which will be installed by The Art Metal Construction Co. of Jamestown, New York. It will consist of bronze and marble to correspond with the present equipment.