Friday, January 7, 2011

Destructive Fire

The Marietta Times, March 27, 1890

Newton's Corner at Front and Greene Street and Four Adjoining Buildings in Ruins.

About two o'clock Tuesday morning a fire broke out in the rear of the building recently vacated by R. L. Curtis' drug store, first door below Gates & Payne's Store on Front street.  The building was being used by L. S. Brown & Bro.  The flames spread rapidly, and by the time the engine arrived they were darting high above the roof of the building, and by this time the rear of the old bank building and the rear of the rooms below on Front and Ohio streets were blazing vigorously.

The Marietta steamer was promptly on hand and had two streams of water playing on the flames within three minutes after her arrival on the ground which she kept up until the fire was extinguished.  The Defiance boys were also on hand on good time and kept two good streams going as long as needed.

The Harmar steamer came over as soon as word reached them that they were wanted.  This engine was set at the foot of Post street, and did excellent service with two good streams in the rear of the burning buildings, and with the combined efforts of the three engines, the flames were confined to the R. L. Curtis, two intervening buildings, the Newton corner, and the W. F. Curtis building adjoining Newton's on Ohio street, but these were all destroyed.

The Gates & Payne building was in great danger, but escaped with a good scorching, as did the laundry room on Ohio street.

The buildings were occupied as follows:  The R. L. Curtis room, by Brown Bros., auctioneers; their goods were badly damaged, but were insured for $900, and Mr. Curtis had $1,000 on the building.

The next room below was used by Dan Gerhart as a ten cent store.  His loss is considerable, but was covered by $1,000 insurance.  The room was owned by Mrs. Balch, formerly Mrs. John Newton, and was insured for $1,000.

The next building was owned by J. W. Staley and family and was not insured.  It was used as a feed store by L. D. Devol.  He was sleeping in the room and escaped through an upstairs window, losing most of his clothing.  He had $500 insurance.

Mr. Newton's corner was used by him as an insurance office.  His papers, &c., were all saved.  He had $2,000 insurance on his building.  John Baker lost about $20 worth of tools he had in the room for the purpose of lowering the floor of the room.

W. F. Curtis lost his old building back of Newton's, but it was of little value as it was old and out of repair.  The fire was a bad one but the buildings were mostly covered by insurance.

The space burned over is the one that has been talked of for some time for the location for a new hotel.

The firemen and people in general worked with a will to save goods and stop the flames.

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